A rare find for me.

I saw railfaning yesterday a boxcar that was very interesting. It was blue and white. On the side it said PAM AM. Can anyone tell me more about this box car or the company who owns it?

Not so rare if it is the Guilford Railroad. “PAN AM” is a airline compney that went bankrupt and was baught out by Guilford Transportation who also runs Guilford Railroad and it is as simple as that.

But nobody knows why they randomly put an airline logo on a boxcar.

Ya I always wondered why compneys put there names on the side on boxcars…

Not correct-PAN AM is not the name of the railway, NOR the company. So WHY use the Pan Am name? Only reason I can see is more exposure with a new paint scheme and a different name on the cars.


Well that makes you sound like an uneducated idiot.[}:)]
Pan-Am was an AIRLINE! Jeeezz…So you wont be surpirsied when BNSF or CN suddenly starts putting Northwest Airlines logo’s on ther boxcars!?

Settle down Mr Medlin…not every one is serious when they post…
but if you were Ham549 it’s free advertisement duh[;)]

If I am not mistaken Pan Am still exists although not in the form it did as a viable ariline. If you owned it and they needed to ship parts would it make sense to asign them a boxcar or two for their dedicated useage that would also allow free advertising and reduce rental charges?

[:(!] O.K. go to http://www.hoovers.com/guilford-transportation/--ID__57540--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml Guilford Transportation Owns both Guilford Railroad and PAN AM but that is not the important thing. A freight railroad most of the time doesn’t own all the cars they pull. Sometimes they (the costmers who are haveing there freight moved) rent from railcar rental company’s or they can rent from the railroad. Some company’s own there own railroad cars so asking why a railroad would put the PAN AM logo on there car is a stupid question because it is not there car it is PAN AM’s car. After all if your parent company owns a railroad do you think they are going to rent a rail car or acquire one? If you go to Guilford’s website and look at there newsletter GuilfordXpress they mention PAN AM a lot since they are owned by the same people. So since Guilford Transportation owns the two companies if PAN AM needs something transported by land instead of contracting it out to another company they use Guilford.

As you can see from the pic below it is common for corporations to put there name/logo on there cars.

So who is the uneducated idiot?

Ok, Ham, Ill admit I reacted a little fast, but your remark was smart-*** and not warranted.

What is the point of putting the name on the boxcars? Why would you waste all that paint? When Pan-Am needs some parts, get a normal Guilford boxcar to do it, but when not needed ship it around the system. painting it in Pan-Am would defeat the purpose, because it would undoubtly be shipped around the system, thus defeating the purpose. unless you wanted to keep the boxcar instorage, which would be a waste of a boxcar.

And alos, it was not a “few” special cars, it has been applied to over 100 boxcars.

Well if it is there boxcar PAN AM they would paint on there logo just like OMYA (pic of tank car I put up) painted there name/logo on there cars or ADM puts there logo on there cars. So it is very common for compneys to put there logos on there rollingstock. The other less likely but possible reson is I heard the owner(s) of Guilford Transportation is a avation buff so maby he is trying to boost sails by advretiseing PAN AM but that is highely unliky I think it is the reson above (or maby a little of both).

Now this is a rare find a locomotive running down a street with no tracks!

You are once again wrong. That is two companies out of over a thousand. Find about two hundred more examples, and then we’ll talk.


Agreed, as your post was not smart-aelic, and did not warrant such a response.

I probley could find 200 more but it would be a waste of my timeand bandwith. but I will list a few more.

PCS Phosphate Company, Inc.
Solvay Minerals Inc.
Sid Richardson Carbon Company
A. E. Staley Manufacturing Company
Shintech, Inc.
Phillips Petroleum Company
Equistar Chemicals, LP
Aristech Chemical Corporation
Blue Circle Inc.
Columbian Chemical Company
Chevron Chemical Company
The Canadian Wheat Board
Dow Chemical Canada, Inc.
Solvay Polymers Inc.
Nova Chemicals, Ltd.
Tropicana Products Inc.
Procor Limited

I think you misunderstood me. What I mean is, find several more situations such as the Guilford/Pan Am deal, whereas a company has bought another, non-rail-related company, and has decided to use the other company’s logo on their rolling stock.

Well I thought Pan Am owned the boxcars and was using Guilford (for obvious reasons) to ship the airliners freight. But I was wrong. This link should clear stuff up.


But the OMYA car is not owned by OMYA - it’s owned by Union Tank note the UTLX.

Proably long term lease to OMYA.

What are the marks on the PanAm cars?

I hate be one of those guys that get caught up on spelling, but for the love of God COMPANY or COMPANIES

I think you all might just be a bunch of idiots with WAY too much spare time. But good luck with all your dumb*** that you all do. Oh yea, I thought this was about something important, I guess not? Oh well!