A simple request

I’m not one that makes frequent posts to this or any other forum, but I do read them faithfully and I especially enjoy the ones made by railroaders as I am a former railroader myself.
I am going to have a surgical procedure that will involve removal and re-attachment of my achilles tendon. A fairly minor procedure, yes but a 3 month recovery period which will pu***he limits of my patience and my finances. I work in the landscaping industry and am used to being active and outdoors, so 8 weeks in a wheelchair is not something I look forward to. Please say a little prayer for me.
I would like to see some “this happened to me” type of stories posted in this column by you folks in the rail industry- I think all the railfans would enjoy them! As a former conductor for the NSRR, let me go on record as saying that I have a lot of respect for railfans. Never had a problem with any of them.

Don’t have one of those, but I hope the operation goes well. Best of luck.

I hope your surgery goes well for you, and YES, I will keep you in my prayers. I’ve had problems with my own feet before and I was once advised never to let anyone operate on them, the solution for my problem was a solidly built, well made pair of walking shoes…but then I must also realize that no two patients are exactly alike. Please keep the rest of us in this formum advised as to how you are doing after your surgery.


Will definitely pray for you, “baberuth.” You can take some comfort in the fact that tendon reattachment is not nearly so prone to drawbacks as foot-bone or back surgery. But you’ve gotta listen to the doctors and if they say no activity, believe it!

Your friend in Chicago,

Hi Baberuth73,
I’ll pray for you, no problem. I don’t have any direct experience with what you are going through but a good friend of mine did. They told him the same thing, count on being down 12 weeks. Well it took a lot longer than 12 weeks for him but when all was said and done he said he was glad he had the surgery done.

Prayer requested, prayer said! Good luck!

Baberuth73, will definitely keep you in my prayers. They do work !! And please,
do keep us updated during your recovery.

You’ll definitely be in my prayers. I hope that it all goes well.

Don’t have any stories, but prayers will be said.

Eric Manke

[#ditto] good luck!

I hope u get well soon!

I’ve been fortunate to escape the surgeon’s knife for the most part (if you don’t count the operation to prevent future impregnation), but my wife could sure tell alot of stories- she’s had orthoscopic knee surgery, carpal tunnel surgery, and the atom bomb of all surgeries, full colon removal. In spite of that, she’s doing just fine.

I’ll be praying for you here in Iowa- hope all goes well.

Hey mon, prayer requested, no problem!

I know several ballet dancers who have had that sort of surgery, and it does take time – but they came back from it to dance again. Patience, pay attention to your doctors and physical therapist.

Best $500.00 the RR ever spent on me !

Many thanks to all who responded. I go under the knife Nov. 14 @ 7:30 and I promise to keep you updated. I am especially encouraged to hear of the successful procedures some of you folks mentioned in your posts. Again, thanks.

David Paschal