A special treat from Union Pacific today...

As I pulled up to a stop in front of one of my freind’s houses this afternoon, I heard a train horn approaching, and as I looked up at the end of the dead end street where the tracks are, I saw a couple of modern diesels go by pulling a full consist of old UP smooth side passenger cars…
Some of you might say “so what”, but that’s a very rare sight to see around these parts. Thanks UP. [:D]


If you’re in Houston Im assuming thats the train going to college station. I wish I would have seen that. Do you have any pictures?

No brother railroader, I’m sorry but I didn’t have my camera with me because it was totally unexpected. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
It consisted of a baggage car, a couple of coachs, a dining car and an observation car, all of which were in perfect condition. If it had just been pulled by a challenger it would have been perfect…


thats awesome!