Perhaps what can be a fun survey.
1.) What do you consider to be Lionel’s (any era) finest product.
2.) The worst product of Lionel’s
I’ll start it off.
1.) A tough decision but I will go with the early F3 (1948-1952). A rugged loco that was well detailed with scale proportionsa and could pull just about anyhing. This is my decision today, tommorow I might change my answer to the 2025, alluminum passenger cars or ec…
2.) Upon carefull consideration I will choose the recent offerings of the clear shelled F3 set. A high priced set that dosn’t look good on the shelf and even worse on a layout. (my appologies to anyone who owns this.)
Honorable mention to a recent set offered painted for a company that makes knifes and has a boxed set of knifed on a flat car. You can’t have kids playing with knifes
For track products I vote for fasttrack being the finest. The switches give me no problems. With the other switches from the old 3 rail I would have problems with derailments, engines stalling etc. I have not experienced this with any of my engines on the fasttrack switches.
Command control products.
Stinkers, MPC era… I do own a set from this era and I like it, but it does not measure up to todays sets.
I have only been in 3 rail for about 1.5 years, (HO about 35 years) I really like my Lionmaster series locomotives, 1 Bigboy, 2 Challengers and the new Cab-forward, GREAT detail and will run on 0-31 curves WOO HOO!!!
What I don’t understand is the disdain for the CW-80, I LOVE IT. I have an original ZW (R windings) and a “NEW” ZW and several MTH Z-500,750, 1000s the CW-80 is the ONLY one with a near zero minimum voltage. My K-line Porters and RMT beeps can’t be run at slow speeds with any of the other transformers, their minimum voltages are too high, 0-6 or 8 volts and they take off like a rocket. Even some of my larger locomotives will start on a low enough voltage that the other transformers are simply too frustrating to run them on. And the “NEW” ZW the handles are so stiff that if it is not bolted down I have to use one hand on the throttle and hold the ZW down with the other. The original ZW does have nice smooth light throttles, but the CW-80 is the smoooothest throttle of any of them that I have. WHY all the HATE for the CW-80? My only complaint with it is that Proto-2 control systems don’t like it ( MTH is familiar with this issue) So why do so many not like the CW-80s?
Of the products I own, it is a close call between the post war dual motored f3’s and the early 726. Any Lionel engine made in the late 40’s have shown to be the very best runners. Of course tubular track gets the lifetime achievement award.
Worst product - that stuff that Girly Men use - FasTrack.
I am curious, If the list is so long, how about a short list of say 3-5 of the most serious problems you find in the CW-80. I have read other posts saying how HORRIBLE the CW-80 is, but no one ever cites a reason why they feel that way (Mike Wolfe of MTH, I could understand not liking it) No it is not a ZW (which I do have 2 of them, 1 original, 1 “new” ) but for what it is, it is a great little transformer, like I said in my earlier post, NONE of my other transformers will run the smaller locomotives at a slow speed, INCLUDEING either one of my ZWs.
As far as you “liking the looks of the thing” I do agree with you on this point, I think that Lionel did a nice job of keeping the 50s look with this. Aside from the LOUSY minimum voltage of MTH’s Z-series transformers, I cant stand their appearance, they look like something out of a cheap HO starter set, and I ABSOLUTELY HATE the external power brick( Yes I know that the “NEW” ZWs are guilty of this crime too)
Well I am going to Start another thread on this, so that this one doesn’t end up too far off topic. But I really would like to hear WHY so many people seem to hate this transformer so much, I LIKE it
My best Lionel product as far a appearance and performance are concerened is my early 2025. As Frank noted above these Late 40s engines are a joy to run and watch.
Worst is tough to say. Because I stay pretty clear from expensive, modern, electronic laden equipment, I don’t have anything of Lionel’s that junk or a disappointment. Fastrack isn’t my cup of tea but I certainly don’t think it’s the worst.
If we could step into another manufacturer here and go slightly off topic, I would have to say the most tasteless product(s) ever offered were K-Line’s Osama and Bush stuff. Extremely tacky and in very bad taste IMHO.
“If we could step into another manufacturer here and go slightly off topic, I would have to say the most tasteless product(s) ever offered were K-Line’s Osama and Bush stuff. Extremely tacky and in very bad taste IMHO.”
Best product: '50, '51 and 52 Anniversary ALCo’s 2023. Unbelievable runners. I’ve almost worn the wheels off my set and they run like the best new stuff after a good lube and warm-up. Extremely low voltage response and “creepability” and magnetraction drive truck offers excellent pulling power. very fast too if needed.
Worst: all that plastic crap from the late '70’s. Hard to cite a bad Lionel product tho.
It’s really hard to narrow down a best or worst - I do have to say that FasTrack is a huge plus, as it really gives something for those starting out in the hobby. The ability to just throw together a layout on carpet or flooring is nice and invites people who don’t have room for a permanent layout to go with adhoc layouts instead of letting their trains gather dust.
Worst - hmmmmm - I had a Lionel set from the late 60’s/early 70’s - it was stolen in one of our moves - thank god, because in the unmarked boxes was the good stuff. I just remember that the steam engine when set next to my 1952 671 steam turbine looked plain cheap, as did the cars that came with it.
He just keeps getting more and more popular, doesn’t he?
I like that plastic “crap” from the 70’s! Lionel created “sound of steam”, and the first model ever (not a reissue) of the U36B!!
Alot of good things came from lionel during the 70’s. Helping make up for the 60’s.
P.S. The 70’s era trains are from my childhood, so I can connect with that “crap”.
Best product in my oppinion is the Polar Express only because I saw it in their catalog and LOVED it. I got it for my birthday and now I’m train crazy!!
Worst: The CW-80 transformer - trying to get the thing to work in my first train set almost drove me out of the hobby - it never dawned on me that it might be defective…
I love the MPC-era stuff too - reminders of my childhood I guess just like my slightly-more-mature fellow forumites who love the post-war stuff.