I know that the rivet counters will have my head for this…But oh well. [;)]
Some of you may remember my original, and ill-fated, Project Frankenstein I proposed about two years ago…Well, you can consider this “Project Frankenstein II.” And this one is proceeding ahead right on schedule.[tup]
Project Frankenstein II - Phase I
The Story
My own locomotive manufacturer, SB Locomotives, Incorporated, is well-known for its wide variety of locomotives, including the so-called “obsolete” steamers. Some railroads are not interested in returning back to traditionally styled and operated steam locomotives. So, SB Locomotives turned to past projects for some inspiration.
Researching the ACE3000 project, SBL engineers decided to take a chance at not a duplex locomotive, but a second-generation-steam locomotive based upon LD Porta’s 2-10-2 SGS proposal for the ACE project.
The engineers were given the go-ahead to persue the SGS ordeal, but were given a tight budget restriction in respect to new parts, as to not create a very significant difference between technologies. There just so happened to be a few locomotives designated for scrap in the SBL yard that were pulled aside to be “recycled” into the new steamer.
The locomotives that were pulled aside were an Illonois Central E8A, E8B, and a full-scale replica of Santa Fe 4-8-4 Northern and its tender. These locomotives were then taken into the shop…And weren’t not seen again…Until now.
The Model
So…What became of the recycled locomotives? Well…Have you ever seen a “Steasel?”
The locomotive is only my second kitbash, and my first N scale kitbash. It was built using the chassis of a Bachmann 4-8-4, a LifeLike E8A, and includes a few firebox details from an old Bachmann 0-6-0 shell I had.