Here’s a video taken in Italy showing railway activity at trackside. Traffic is diverse and even includes VSOE’s Orient Express (quite a big consist, but the locomotive seems out of place, it’s too modern)
A description of the trains passing (it’s the original and it’s in german, but I think it’s understandable)
0:05 / ÖBB Rh 1216 mit EuroCity 81 München - Verona - 0:32 / ÖBB Rh 1216 mit EuroCity 80 Verona - München - 0:45 / FS E 464 mit Regio - 1:06 / RTC EU43 - 002 mit Güterzug - 1:47 / FS ETR 485 Eurostar Italia Roma - Bolzano - 2:08 / FS E 464 mit Regio - 2:31 / RTC EU43 - 007 mit UKV - 4:04 / FS E 464 mit Regio - 4:23 / FS E 405 Lokzug - 4:50 / FS E 412 Doppeltraktion mit UKV - 5:38 / RTC EU43 Doppeltraktion mit UKV -&n
You’re right Mario, the Orient Express just doesn’t look right with an electric on the point.
It’s like when the Norfolk and Western got rid of the Class J’s and put "Geep"s on the “Powhatan Arrow”, the “Pocahontas”, and the “Cavalier” passenger trains. They just didn’t look right either anymore.
Aside from that this sure looks like a great place to bring a picnic basket to and go train watching!
At least the spray painting ain’t grafitti! Man, you should see what the “Tropicana” train looks like coming through Richmond. I guess those big white reefers are an irresistable “canvas” for “taggers”.
WAIT A MINUTE! I just took another look on “full screen” and froze it. Good Lord, it IS graffiti! Looks like no-where is safe and it’s all over. God help us…
Mind you, God would send you straight to Hell for “tagging” a steam locomotive.
From what I have seen, Italy is one of the worst areas for rail graffiti, I did not notice it in Britain or Switzerland (or anything unclean in Switzerland, for that matter), and only a small amount in France.
Some trains had spray painting on the interior, too. Horrible. Most were worse than the E.412 in the video.
Mario, is this on Brenner Pass? Thanks for posting.
Oh brother. I realise American culture is so powerful it spreads around the world with little concious effort on our part, but ghetto trash culture like “tagging?” It makes you want to weep.
Then again, graffiti in Italy’s nothing new, if the Pompeii ruins are any indication. Could be these idiots think they’re carrying on the tradition.
I think it’s on the ‘Trentina line’. If I’m not wrong, the line from Bolzano or Bosen, since that part of Italy is ‘dual sepaking’, goes from Venice to the East. I suppose this line is a little West from Venice, isnce this ‘edition’ of the VSOE ends or starts in Venice (on the other side it terminates in Paris Gare de Lyon, it’s the only ‘real’ train using France’s ‘Imperial line’, all the rest being small trains or TGV’s that use part of the line). As for Grafitti or ‘tagging’, over here is also a serious phenomena, to the point that a train caming out of refurbishment lasts one or two days clran. These guys are capable of painting a whole EMU or DMU in one night