A very useful computer tool

Folks, I just ran across the handiest computer tool - the next time you sit down to draw up designs for a project, check out Google SketchUp.


By the time I was done with the first tutorial, I had learned to design a simple 1 room cabin in 3D and the total time was less than 10-15 min, and when done I could turn it around and look behind it, and see walls on the opposite side of the house through the window and door - it was absolutely amazing.

Best of all - basic SketchUp is *** free ***.

I don’t normally do this kind of thing, but the controls were so easy to learn, that it’s to useful a tool to keep hidden.

Thanks Greg, I’m going to check it out.

I swear it’s so easy to use, it should be called “CAD for Dummies”.

Very nice find Greg…It really is pretty easy to use and it’s already speeding up my backdrop flat mockups.

Yep. I posted that same thing about two weeks ago. Didn’t get a single reply or comment.

I’m downloading it right now - THANKS![:)]

Thanks…saw the post last week and haven’t had a chance to DL 'til now. Can you print out plans with dimensions?


I have used it a long time, it’s very easy to use.

There’s a lot of that going around. Guess you need to bold up your font to get the attention. [;)]

Sorry 'bout that. I have gotten to the point that when someone says 'This CAD is easy to use" that I usualy ignore it - because it turns out that it isn’t easy until you go over the steep learning curve.

I went back and looked at the post you made, and SketchUp was burried with several other CAD programs, and it was probably missed because of that.

HI Greg,

I downloaded it last night and started on the tutorials today… and here I thought I would never be able to get the hang of 3D stuff. No to do some buildings!

Thanks from down under

Trevor www.xdford.digitalzones.com FYI

Make that NOW to make some buildings!



Freind of mine used Sketch Up to design her entire house remodelling, so I’m sure it could handle O, HO, N or Z! [:)]


Thanks for the heads up on this, I’m downloading it right now. (slow going with dial up)

PS. I sent you a PM on a subject you brought up on another thread, I hope it gives you some useful information.

Yeah It is great. pity there doesnt seem to be a way to convert the measurements to scale easiy.