A wish list-What do you believe the railroads should do.

  1. I hope railroads get a better tax break realising that highway users don’t pay real estate taxes on the rights of way they use.

  2. I hope the project for rationalization and congestion relief in Chicago goes ahead.

  3. I hope some railroad identifies a passenger market that it can earn a fair return on and cooperates with Amtrak to remove that segment of the National System from subsidation and operates itself as the best public relations tool possible. My candidate: UP Milwaukee-Chicago-St. Louis-Kansas City. Hourly service Milwaukee-St. Louis and half running throught to Kansas City. Armour yellow and red and everything looking as much like the original UP streamliners as possible. Coach cleaner on board. Double ended for quick turn-around at each end.

  4. I hope the UP’s (and BNSF’s) business improves so that reopening Tennessee Pass is imperative for congestion relief on the joint line, with both railroads using Tennesse Pass.

  5. I hope CSX gets its act together and really becomes a well managed outfit like NS is and shows it by getting Amtrak on time on its tracks.

  6. I hope the whole Sunset gets double tracked and UP is completely free from congestion problems, again with Amtrak on time.

  7. I hope Amtrak gets decent funding and becomes the basis for a truly National public transportation system that lets the elderly and handicapped throughout the country have mobility. Also encourages foreign tourists to enjoy the USA.

  8. I wish similar things for Canada, CN, CP, and VIA also.

  1. Create a national 10 and 20 year plan. What could the traffic base look like 10 and 20 years out? What specific investments will it take to handle that traffic? Integrate this with the gov’t highway spending plan so that we get the best transportation services for our dollar (whether it’s incorporated in the price of goods or from taxation)

  2. Integrate this plan with an passenger rail plan. What synergies exist? What public private partnerships should be created and funded? Find some other funding mechanism for passenger rail other than the annual gov’t budget process. Maybe lump all transportation taxes together and fund an integrated network rather than funding by mode.

  3. Institute some sort of bonus system at Amtrak at every level based on important service and financial metrics such as on time performance, customer service, etc. AND net deficit.

1/ I would like to see more transloading facilities including intermodal capable loading.

2/ I believe the VIA needs to run a late night Niagara Bound eastbound for folks coming home from the sports game, theatre or generally just getting off of a late working night. It should go into Buffalo so it can make a transfer with the New York bound Lakeshore Limited. After that it becomes the normal morning Toronto bound VIA. I would also like to see one heading into Detroit as well.

3/ I want to see the CASO Subdivision line rebuilt with U.S and Canadian government assistance to fund a “net scanner”-same devices set up for trains entering Washington D.C. Devices set up at Fort Erie and Detroit manned by both U.S and Canadian Customs officers. This line would be mainly for CSX and NS intermodals to divert them from bottlenecking areas of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Windsor tunnel needs to be rebuilt as well to accomidate double stacked domestic containers.

4/ I would like to see existing yards larger or more yards constructed to reduce in-terminal waiting. Even if this includes a 4 track mainline where the outside tracks act as parking lanes.

5/ I would like to see higher maintainance on the tracks and equipment and better safety standards that are enforced by both transportation board, labour board and management alike.

6/ I would like to see the high up management do unannounced department audits to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to do. Not all of them but 1 or 2 a month. This is not micro-managing to me but making sure the folks in you have in charge are doing their jobs right.

7/ Some of the junctions need to be styled after highway cloverleaves with ramp connecting tracks and bridges over the other one’s mainline.

I know it contradicts me as Junctionfan but trains don’t run for the railfan’s pleasure.

8/ Daveklepper’s suggestions are implemented.

Number one thing. The UPRR need to spend more money for Maintence on their Tracks so that they can keep the Trains on the Rails. They would make alot of money to send it some where it is needed the most. Another thing…
This Licenceing this should be kept behind closed doors other than let out into the Public. Running a Railroad and keeping their Costomers happy should come first.

Another thing…
I think that Concrete Ties are a waist of money. Wood Ties at least don’t crack under the extream load of Coal Trains like they found out in Wyoming’s Powder River Coal line.

Sorry Daniel, but how about BN and SF as a subsidiary of FRISCO

Yeah, that’s the ticket. [;)] [:D]

I say that the railroads should get more AC units in their fleet. They should also lease more—lol, I was just saying that because I love leasers!! Foreign power should become more popular in the west. Also, “Heritage Schemes” should come about more. BNSF should not have become “BNSF Railway” and CP Rail should have stayed Canadian Pacific! I say that this should be improved and railroads likings will be increased!!


The CREATE plan for Chicago would, if implemented, go a long way toward solving a lot of major railroads’ problems. Those people who would like to see flyovers instead of diamonds would get their wish in a few cases–Brighton Park comes to mind–and, yes, Ed, new trackage would be built: basically, CN would get a whole new line over abandoned or neglected rights-of-way, connecting the former IC to the former WC.

Also under this plan, the western railroads would be able to use a much improved IHB right-of-way (three main tracks, as opposed to two, with grade separations replacing a couple of “diamond” interlockings) to connect with the eastern railroads.

Perhaps most importantly, a number of the worst grade crossings in the area would be eliminated.

This plan was discussed in Trains a year or two ago.

Unfortunately, the amount of Federal money allotted under the recent infrastructure bill fell far short of satisfying the wish list, and even fell short of expectations. Some projects involving Metra routes will receive some money, I understand, but I’m not sure what specific things will be addressed. This would be a great subject for another Trains article.

My own wish list:

Through manifest trains between UP (North Platte) and CN (Battle Creek?) that would need no more than a change of crew somewhere in Chicagoland.

Ditto for a train between Stevens Point and Pine Bluff/North Little Rock (depending on direction). There was a “routing protocol” between CN and UP to alleviate some of the traffic problems around Chicago (and it was thoroughly discussed on this forum last year), but I’m not sure that it has lived up to either expectations or potential.

Crossovers on the main line east of points where UP currently “stages” freight trains: one set near Finley Road in Lombard, and one near Wheaton. Crossovers in this stretch (where none exist for about 14 miles) would also benefit Metra, which is ab

One thing I would like to see is for all the railroads to be more generous and proactive when it comes to the growing amount of regional rail.

As you know, not only are commuter systems growing and/or being implemented for the first time, regional rail brings corridor movement and some commutation exposure in places like the Piedmont of North Carolina and in central New Mexico.

Rather than view regional trains as an imposition something like Amtrak, I think the host RR’s should be “aggressively friendly” to the regionals and view them as a chance to enhance infrastrure.

Nobody wants to help the privately-held Class I or most shortlines, but taxpayers often (and probably will in the future even more often) enthusiastically support the growth of regional rail. If it brings subsidies along the lines of implementing CTC, or double- or triple-tracking the mainline, so much the better.

I don’t really see this as an “If you can’t beat 'em join 'em” philosophy; more as a matter of the host RR’s coming in with their scheduling and logistics expertise. This is one of the few situations in which I would encourage the host RR’s to take subsidy in the form of improved infrastructure (and later on demand a fair price for track rights, of course).

IMHO even the most progressive RR’s are reactive rather than proactive–they wait for change to hit 'em before they change philosophy and/or operations.

This would be the main thing I’d hope to see over the next 20-30 years that hasn’t yet been articulated on this thread.

Allen Smalling

I think it might be a good idea if the railroads built either underground parking garages or above ground multi-level garages to store trailers and save space that could be used to add extra tracks. This way trailers can be stacked as containers are done in storage without having to purchase extra land for expansion.

There is a better way than run everything through Chicago - the lines through Lafayette Indiana and Indianapolis are not fully utilized and provide a much more efficient route from East to West. We have such a Chicago mindset, however.

See Andrew,
Need a question about Chicago, the ask the guy that works there; Carl…

Posted: Today, 13:51:02

"The CREATE plan for Chicago would, if implemented, go a long way toward solving a lot of major railroads’ problems. Those people who would like to see flyovers instead of diamonds would get their wish in a few cases–Brighton Park comes to mind–and, yes, Ed, new trackage would be built: basically, CN would get a whole new line over abandoned or neglected rights-of-way, connecting the former IC to the former WC.

Also under this plan, the western railroads would be able to use a much improved IHB right-of-way (three main tracks, as opposed to two, with grade separations replacing a couple of “diamond” interlockings) to connect with the eastern railroads.

Perhaps most importantly, a number of the worst grade crossings in the area would be eliminated."

Carl, you Da Man…

Now, Andrew, all you have to do is find the money!


Both the Indianapolis (CSX, former Conrail) and the Lafayette (NS, ex Wabash) are single track. I dont think the CSX is fully utilized, but the NS is a pretty busy line.

When you examine things, at least when I examine the map, the NS line is a superior route, bypassing both Chicago and St. Louis…a direct shot across the fertile corn fields of Illinois. We have discussed in the past the advantages of the old Kankakee Belt Line (South Bend looping around to Streator and beyond), but that line is gone, as is the EJE branch line to Porter which could have helped.

I still think at some point in time, the EJE will become a tollroad of sorts (OPEN ACCESS!!!). It is just a matter of time and money.


I guess the railroads need to play the lottery then Ed.[:D]

Lets Pretend…Right now the situation on the Coast Starlite is ridiculas.
They say around 6 hours delay per trip on #11 and #14.What’s the possibility
of parking at Dunsmuir for those 6 hours and everyone going to sleep?Or take a 6 hour break at Oakland. DaveBr

CShaveRR, let me second your nomination of extending the Metra-Electric line to Peotone Airport. Believe it’s only another 9-10 miles. Imagine! An express service that leaves from downtown Chi, has no grade crossings, and hones in on the airport irrespective of traffic on the Dan Ryan (I-90/94). Yet strangely I have yet to hear this relatively cheap solution mentioned in the various “regional plans” abounding.

The USA has SUCH an anti-passenger train mentality.

How many intermodals go to the Global 1 and 2 facilities?

Hay! Forgot wish no. 9 on my list. North Station - South Station rail tunnel, to really restore lots of passenger service to northern New England, so through trains can carry passengers from Bangor and Portland to NY and DC. As well as drastically improve ridership on the suburban system and reduce Boston traffic congestion.

I wi***hey would leave some engines in the paint of fallen flags (even repaint some as fallen flags!