AAR AD Campaign/ Freight Rail Works

Popped onto “Drudge Report” and clicked on the headline and was shunted to the website for the “National Journal” the Lead Ad over the headline was:


Had not seen this kind of Rail Industry Ad Campaign outside of a Rail oriented publication,in a number of years. Thought it migh interest folks checking through here.

Seems like a pretty well put together ad. I don’t mean to pander for Matt Drudge, or Nat’l Journal, but it was the only place I’ve seen it to date(?)

http://freightrailworks.org/campaign/ This is a link to the Explanation about the ad from AAR.

Linked in to a story on The Daily Caller website and saw a Column ad on the right side of the page. 1st one I’d seen since the notice of the upcoming ad campaign back in December 2011.

Seems to be choc full of graphics and information.


In light of some of the UPRR Corporate ads and NS’s ads it is nice to see supportive advertising campaigns for Railroads. They have been few and far between in mainstream publications,( and on the Internet) for some time .