Can I run all accessories from 2 layouts with 2 transformers, off of the one transformer with the accessory hook ups? or will I run into a problem?
I’m a little confused. “2 layouts with 2 transformers”? Are you meaning 2 tracks with 2 transformers on one layout?
It would be of great benefit to know which accessories and which transformers you have and wanting to hook up. Are you planning on wiring them independently with individual switches? (I hope so). How many and which ones would you plan on operating simultaneously? (example: semaphores, signal crossings, vs operating gas station, fire station, etc.)
Speaking from a “General Perspective” I doubt that you will have a problem, AS LONG AS EACH ACCESSORY HAS ITS OWN ON/OFF SWITCH.
Please provide more information for a better answer.
You can hook up all your accessories to one transformer provided the transformer has the wattage capacity to run them if you want to run them at the same time. A smaller wattage transformer will allow you to run fewer accessories at a time. Which transformers are you using, what accessories are you planning to use, and are you planning to run all the accessories at the same time?
- What are the transformers?
- Specifically what do you want to control with them?
As said, it all comes down to wattage. 100W is what I would budget for a single train and a few accessories.