This post was originally on ‘Layouts’ forum, but we need electronic help so…
The May edition of MRR on page 50 has an articlle entitled ‘Add 24-hour llayout ighting’. Unfortunately, it skims over the control method of achieving this and concentrates on how to put up lights. The article quotes ‘Time-Lynx’ by Rail-Lynx (www.rail-lynx.com) but gives no details whatsoever as to how the light system is controlled or achieved. (Yep, I’ve sent an enquiry e-mail to Rail-Lynx and waiting.)
I am in the process of building my new HO PRR / NYC 1954 layout and I have wanted to include sunrise / sunset / night and day linked to a fast clock. This would mean devices that would allow dimmer switches to be attached to bring banks of lights up and down; devices that would turn on and off lights in buildings, signs and street lamps, etc. Dimmers to bring red and orange lights in and out according to sunrise and sunset.
As an electronics question … any ideas how any part of this could be achieved?
Thanks in advance
Barry [8D]