Since documentation to back up this claim isn’t being provided, it is grossly unfair to UP.
The charges allegations therefore mean nothing and the thread should have never happened. It indicts a company of over 50,000 employees because of the alleged actions of one employee. Action of which no proof exists.
But, it did once again bring out the best in some people. [V]
In fairness & accuracy, it does not indict the entire company of 50,000+ employees, if you read the original text. The company can’t possibly be composed solely of management personnel and still be as successful as they have been.
If you despise the UPRR so much why not send the exchanges to the Prez of the UPRR in Omaha NE instead of posting your rant here? I’m sure he will want to know that one of his employees lacks CS skills[%-)]
it’s not that i want CNW back. i only care about their locomotives because i saw those in my past. i only want 1 or CNW locomotives back. that’s all. i don’t need the whole company back. just 1 or 2 locomotives i can photograph and enjoy. i’m left with not a single picture because i was too young to take any at the time. and then my decade of isolation prevented me of saying goodbye to CNW. my last chance was 8575 and i failed. it was right there in altoona and i wasnt alerted. i could have seen it and gotten one last hurrah of CNW. but then Hinkle had to screw up and kill it off.
i can’t get over any of this until i see a CNW locomotive and get its picture
To comprehend your original post it may have been helpful if you would have written the word-per-word response from UP without revealing the manager’s name or the location of the items.
Guys, let’s not get out-of-hand here, and even if it doesn’t make any difference, I do apologize to the UP employees who are obviously on the forum (or at least some very ardent supporters). I should indeed have titled my rant in a more appropriate way. While I still am annoyed by the reply I received, it certainly didn’t rise to the level of my complaining in a formal manner to UP management, president, etc. I was myself in a bad mood when I got the reply from a manager who may very well have been in a bad mood too, and possibly for better reasons. Right now, I don’t bear the guy any grudge - I was blowin’ off steam and I didn’t word things the way I should have. I didn’t want nor expect my gripe to ignite a forum fight and have things between participants get to the point of exchanging insults, and that goes for me too with the buncha jerks comment. Let’s all simmer down.
if UP wants to slap their logos on CNWs, they should have the decency to repaint them. nothing is more insulting than going to altoona and seeing that horrid 3042 leading a train. it’s the biggest insult UP can throw at me. a CNW with a UP shield on the nose. that’s just sick. the day it finally gets repainted will be so relieving for me
sure they did 1995, but i heard from a proviso employee that they dont like sending ACEs up the adams sub. so i’ll never see it again anyway!
i’m sorry, but i cant sympathize for the older guys with the steam era in their past. every last museum has steam on display. green bay has a BIG BOY for crying out loud! there’s plenty of places you can go to see steam in action. but nowhere to go if it’s CNW you want
Living near the CN mainline all I get to see are zebras. I’d be glad even to see a patched CNW unit. I had to drive 2 hours and use up most of a day on short notice to even see 1 unit. At least you get something up there Max. I’ll trade that something for CN…anyday. I don’t even really mind watching the CN because I’m lucky enough to be able to watch a fairly active mainline. There are railfans who don’t even have access to tracks!
i know, but the track near you sees more action than mine. daytime trains for one thing. and the WC odd power (anything that isnt an SD45). i mean i’m glad i have SD40-2s instead of SD60Fatasses sure, but it’d be nice to see them when the sun’s still out.
but that’s not UP’s fault.
i mean i’ve considered patched units to still be CNWs, but that didnt fly with at all. if i have to call them “UP”, then they’re dead to me. but 3042 is just insulting any way you look at it. same with 9087.
look, guys. i dont see the problem here. why cant you just let me hate on UP until i somehow get a chance to see a CNW locomotive again? sure they’re all gone, but museums still take stuff. they might get an SD40-2 or something and repaint it. but until that day, i have no other way to cope with this tragic loss than to hate on those reponsible for it. omaha