Address programming problem/question

I have a loco that hasn’t been running right for a few weeks so last night I reset the decoder (CV08) to the manufacturer’s default settings. Works great now with one problem. I can not change the address off of 03. I’m pretty sure I’m doing it right and when I program in the new address I get a ‘good’ response, but when I exit programming the loco will not respond to the new address. It still responds to 03. I’ve tried several times - turning everything off each time - and still no luck. Any ideas?


Dave [banghead]

If the number that you have assigned as a digital address is above the number 127, it is considered to be an “extended” or “long” address in the DCC world…this across the board by convention. So, if you are assigning an address of, say, 235, you must allow the decoder to accept commands that are sent by you to that address. It takes an additional step besides just pressing 'enter" to programme the new address.

What you must do is set a value to CV29. Many of us don’t want our decoders to have dual sensitivity, that is to both AC and DC (some decoders do weird things when set to detect what type of track power they are getting). So, the value you would apply to CV29 in this case is “34”. If you do want dual mode sensitivity, the value to assign to CV29 is “38”. In any case, do glance at your decoder manual to verify the numbers. Once you press “enter”, your decoder should now respond to the extended address.


What Crandell said, except to clarify after changing CV29 you may need to go back in and re-insert the ID no. you want.

Hi, Stix. This has not been a requirement for me so far. I can effect the address change, but I also find the engine won’t now respond on either address. I then remember to re-enter programming, turn to Ops Mode, dial in the CV29, and set its value at 34/38. When I click out of programming mode and acquire the new address, I find immediately that I can toot the horn and move it off the programming track normally…no other CV programming is needed.
