Ads on buildings

I know George Selios has a way of putting ads on the sides of buildings to replicate those great days when artists used to actually paint adverts on the sides of building. I believe he prints an ad on paper, rubs it to micro thin with fine sand paper and then glues it onto a brick building so the pattern of the brick comes thru. Has anyone else ever done this? Does it work? Any handy hints? (Like when to stop rubbing with the sandpaper!) Anybody got a better method?
Thanks! [8D]

One modern method that sort of renders the paper-sanding technique involves the new “homemade decal” kits. Scan the ad you’d like to put on your building, print it onto decal paper, add sealant, soak it in water, drop it on your wall and add a liberal amount of Decal Set. Less exacting than sanding an ad cut from a magazine, and can produce a nice effect.

I have tried the paper-sanding trick but it’s tough to do it right. After the paper is sanded, soak the ad thoroughly with diluted white glue and use a toothpick or burnishing tool to gently shove the paper into mortar lines.

The key to sanding success is to cut out the image after the sanding. In this way you can keep some full thickness paper around the outside to support it. i like to use the signs from JL Innonvative design and since these are on white paper stock, you can see the darkness of the printed image from behind as it thins out. It is easy to over sand and go through the image, but this can look good on the wall as it looks like part of the image has worn away.

Thanks guys. By the way, if you want a couple of websites that are good for old posters, try… and look under advertising or and go to contemporary art then advertising.

Don’t know of the availability of each brand in the UK, but, Woodland Scenics:
has building signs in dry transfer form. Go to Accessories, then Dry transfer to see their selection. Also, Microscale:
has a variety of structure signs from various eras in decal form. Don’t think there’s one for Bovril, Guiness or other Brit brands though. And, Signs Galore:
has signs in all scales on paper, clear or white plastic, or as decals.
NMRA Life 0543

Didn’t mean to do Clover House a disservice by failing to mention their dry transfer building signs:
They have some great 1900 era signs, some of which might be appropriate for the UK.
NMRA Life 0543