Got a tech question here. When I try using the advanced search feature on this site, it doesn’t seem to work.
I wanted to pull up posts with “west” in the subject line only (was looking for posts RE old west layouts / western themes.
I basically get a whole lot of posts without west in subject line at all. Just a bunch of random stuff.
Any idea what I am doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance.
It looks like it will locate posts with the search phrase in either the body or subject line.
Very few forum-hosting applications have a search engine that actually works.
I can’t get it to work about 60% of the time, either. You have to know quite a bit of information for it to work. I always use the advanced format 'cuz the regular one is hopeless. If you have good long-term memory, and can recall the exact phrase, or at least two keywords, AND the author, you will get something like what you seek about 50% of the time. It also helps to narrow the timeframe parameters as much as possible, at the bottom. If you let it search over a 10 month period, I don’t think it likes it very much. I try to get it down to about 8 weeks.