As demonstrated by the title, I’m new. I’ve been reading mrr for roughly two years, finally got a subscription last November. I’ve decided to go N scale, mainly due to space constraints.
Here’s what I have, then I’ll ask my questions.
Most of the MRR issues since December '07
N Scale Model Railroading: Getting Started in the Hobby, by Marty McGuirk
Empire Builder and Explorer train sets from Bachmann plus two right-hand turnouts.
^^definitely want to change all the couplers on these models
After absorbing a fair number of mrr articles, kit-bashing, scratch-building, track-laying, and benchwork all seem fairly straight-forward. Once I have the chance to start all I’ll need is practice to harness those skills. The two areas that confuse me the most are wiring and DCC programming. An hour with an instruction manual for a DCC system should clear things up in that area though. So that leaves wiring. Are there any books that can help me out in this area?
I’m also wondering if the Cascade, Wash. layout in the track-plan database is too large for a beginner to build. I really like the arrangement and size, but I’m worried that if I start, I’ll get overwhelmed and frustrated, then quit.
I also have a Bachmann Centennial on special order, I won’t get it until early June though. I’m wondering, 1) is it a good model (should have checked this out before I ordered it) and 2) should I wait for it? I mean, I like the looks of Kato’s SD70MAC and AC4400.
That’s all I can think of for now, I know there’s more though, probably will come to me later.
Thank you in advance for any helpful advice for a newbie!