Advice on C/L car track cleaning

First off, am old geezer, just returning to hobby after long time away. Got meself a Centerline T/C car and want to know what alternative to buying C/L cloth roller strips is best way to go. Am on learning curve and intend to use CRC-26[from thread posted here]. Maybe if I buy another C/L car, can do what I read others do: run lead C/L car w/cleaner on cloth, then follow-up car w/dry cloth. All advice gratefully appreciated. TTFN…Old Tom aka papasmurf in NH…KEEP YOUR RAILS SHINY, LOL!


The original C/L car needed one to cut some material(like a Handi-Wipe) to size and wrap it around the roller. thread was used to tie the material to the roller so tht one could ‘back up’ the car without the material unwinding. I remember seeing a lot of these cars at train show with the material ‘flapping’ as they were only running in one direction. They now have the roller covers that make this much easier. Maybe they are ‘washable’ and you only need one or two of them.

As far as a cleaning solution - most folks seem to use 71% alcohol on the material. I would NOT use the suppied ‘Goo Gone’ as it will leave a ‘residue’ that will attract dust/dirt(and the need for more cleaning). As far as CRC-26 - most folks apply a little of it to a couple of spots on the rails and let the trains distribute the fluid. I would clean the track with your alcohol soaked C/L car, then apply the CRC-26 to the rails. I have never used the CRC-26 as I have never had a problem after cleaning the rails. BTW, I use lacquer thinner to clean my rails. I clean the track about twice each year.



Hi Tom,

After many moons of track cleaning I have settled on this method.

I run a CMX track cleaner car with either 70% or 90% alcohol and 2 Centerlines running dry behind that and then a masonite scrubber car. Some might say this is overkill, but it works and works well. [tup][tup]

I did buy the CMX new from Craig at Dallas Model Works in Texas but the Centerlines I got off E-bay at about 1/2 price. As far as I am concerned the investment was well worth it as I hate cleaning track manually, and don’t plan on doing that any more. It is a great way to clean hidden trackage as well.

The beauty of the CMX car is that you can adjust the flow rate of the alcohol and that keeps it’s pad moist all the time. With just dampening the roller on the Centerline car the alcohol evaporates too fast and then you are just rolling dry rollers around.

Johnboy out…for now.