Advice on power pack needed


I have an HO layout my 6 yo runs and would he love to be able to lash up 2 of our Bachmann diesels to pull more freight. At the moment, we are using basic starter set power packs from Bachmann. What should I be looking for to give our track more power, or I am going at this the wrong way. Someone suggested a MRC Tech II 2500, would this work? We have a 100 sq ft. layout, no DCC for him, too young at the moment.

Thanks for your advice,


Normal calculations are to allow around 0.5 amp per HO locomotive. Two locomotives = 1 amp. Power pack outputs are not normally rated in amps, but in volt-amps or watts. To obtain the needed power pack rating, mulitply the volts (12) times the current (amps). A minimum of 12 watts or volt-amps (essentially the same for our purposes) is needed, 18VA would give a reasonable reserve. IIRC, a Tech2 2500 puts out at least 18VA.

Note that accessories eat into the power pack rating, too. Remote switches and lighted accessories (lighted passenger cars, too) will require additional power. Usually, the switches and accessories are best powered by a source other than your train control power pack(s).

Hope this helps, and your child enjoys lashing up the 2 diesels. Good thing it doesn’t double the speed!

Fred W

For a 100 sq ft layout, this should do the trick.

Once you are ready for DCC, get a Digitrax Zephyr.

TODAY’S can motored engines run on 0.25 amps so .(2) 0.25’Volt amps @ 12 volts = 6 VA Volt/Ampereres,. wheras 2 old Athearn BB with .75A each would want 18 VA.

VA’s are the UL RATING - or ‘work load-’ a given power pack is given for safe operation. Exceeding this causes overheating and shortened life…

I do not have any Bachmann engines, so can only guess what they pull - which depends on the motor used. The Tech II 2500 I believe was a 2 AMP supply, so should well…Each engine’s resistance will use only use what it needs, so higher VA’s mean more capacity (& good).,

READ the U.L. label.

The Bachmann Spectrum power packs are some of the best I’ve seen… Really smooth control and plenty of power. I’ve heard that the MRC packs are great too.

thank you for the info…my son was excited to hear the news.

Before I switched to DCC, I used MRC Tech II 2500s for two decades. They had power to spare for double and occationally triple heading.
