Consumers weren’t the only complainants on the Jet Rocket ACF Talgo set on the RI. The cars were so light they wouldn’t trip the track circuits. RI upped the voltage and then they got into false reds along the Illinois River where moisture from the mists and fogs would trip the track circuits. The train also had a B/W TV camera in the nose piped back to a set in the lounge that repeatedly scared the living daylights out of the pax as they watched the near misses at the crossings. The TV “accidentally” broke one day and was never replaced (the time being far in advance of video tape technology). the train set wound up in commuter service with the 2 Aerotrains.
The UP use the AeroTrain as City of Las Vegas. For this service the train was shortend from 8 to 7 midcars.
At Cajon Pass also the short Aerotrain need a helper. I think most time a GP9 that pull this train uphill towards summit.