AF 979 Caboose

Hi folks great posts over the last couple days, even seeing some more AF stuff than usual. I have a question about a 979 animated caboose.

When the train is runing around the track, the solenoid for the brakeman is constantly clattering, I have taken it all apart, cleaned the solonoid and put it back together for no major improvement. There does not seem to be any adjusment on it. Does any one have an idea how to quiet this thing down? I ma thinking this an’t be good for the solonoid.

Thank you in advance,


The quick answer would be to run your train on DC. the 60 cycle AC current causes the solenoid to chatter. The other answer is to install a diode bridge to convert the current going to the caboose from ac to dc. Easy to do. < $1 at Radio Shac. A 1 amp full wave rectifer bridge is what you want. Open the tender and attach the leads from the solenoid coil and the power pick up.

Here is one soldered up for my test board to convert AC to DC .

Be careful taking it the caboose apart. It requires bending the brakeman’s connecting rod to the solenoid.

This will quiet down the caboose


Let me clarify. From the truck power solder to the bridge rectifer where the ~ side and the leads going to the coil on the + and - side.

Hardest part is taking the unit apart.



Thank you for the response, sounds like to trip to RS is in order! I agree taking it a part is a bear, believe it or not it was easier to put together than it was to take it apart.

Thanks for the photo too!
