The playable whistle [sigh]
The playable whistle has been available for some time. The Digitrax DT400 will do it, and IIRC, one of the NCE throttles can do it as well.
Regretably it’s not standardized. They (digitraxx/soundtraxx/proposed NMRA draft) all specify different operating standards for the DCC signal. That’s bothersome because that means decoders will become ineffective, and command stations will need updates once the standard is approved by the NMRA.
I have bugged Lenz numerous times about getting the standard for a playable whistle. I was in the process of supporting a playable whistle via a wireless gamepad controller (analog speed left stick, playable whistle right stick) but they (Lenz) said they are waiting on the NMRA.
When I started to dig into the details of how each manufacture implements the standard, I discovered a disparity in standards. In otherwords, they won’t work together!
Wow, that’s impressive! I’ve heard a playable whistle before via a dcc controller, but not with that effect and ease! I’d sure enjoy being able to that with a K5LA or RS5T horn sound. I like to be optimistic and think that the DCC/sound manufacturers will head in this direction.