Agreement between US, Canada opens path to Vermont-Montreal rail service

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Agreement between US, Canada opens path to Vermont-Montreal rail service

Good story, but misses out on the fact that this will greatly help reliability on the Adirondack route between New York and Montreal via Albany and Plattsburgh. The St. Lambert, QC stop will be discontinued and all customs will be done at Gare Centrale. The impending extension of the Vermonter creates a second interval for New York to Montreal passengers, albeit via a completely different route. It also allows Adirondack and Vermonter equipment to be swapped out if necessary, and provides a maintenance facility for the Vermonter at the north end of the line. In addition, the Dome Car could theoretically alternate between the Adirondack (ALB-MTR) and the Vermonter (NHV-MTR) during the fall.

It’s about time. St. Alban’s is the most curious passenger train terminal east of Big Lake. Now how about getting from North Dakota to Winnipeg. No planes, no buses, no nothing. Easier to get from South to North Korea.

This effects more then the Vermonter… this is a very big deal for the existing NYC-Montreal Adirondack. This is huge deal for that train!

This is great news! I look forward to the day I once again can ride the train from White RiverJunction,Vt to Montreal.

The poor Maple Leaf continues to be a stepchild, without possibility of having its nearly three hour customs/immigration detention killing it’s patronage, being lifted. I don’t know why the US-CAN border is so tight and the US/Mex border is just a line on a map.

The Vermont Rail Action Network had it’s annual meeting last November in Saint Albans with the theme of “Montreal, Here We Come!” in order to kick start this process. It’s great to see movement!

@ PETER M BENHAM, The border with Canada is also just a line on the map, if you want to go to Canada that badly. Especially out in the western provinces where you can drive across unhindered in many locations if you desire. But no one wants to go to Canada with it’s limited freedoms. There are No countries who can compare to the US on freedoms allowed any where in this world.

It would be really good news if this agreement led to the restoration of an overnight train with sleeping cars between Toronto and Chicago, and also one between Toronto and New York.

Apparently a similar agreement has been effect for passengers going to Vancouver from the States–I have always gone through Canadian customs in Vancouver when going north.

Lawrence - Vermonters want to go to Montreal as it is the nearest big city (and a lovely place to visit). But there are 5 million people in Quebec and only 650,000 Vermonters, so bringing Quebec tourist dollars to Vermont is a bigger deal.

This agreement in theory could improve Amtrak schedules between the two countries. Anything ! is better than what’s currently in effect now particularly into Montreal.

For the moment all of this euphoria overlooks a couple of things that may have to change. The complete lack of financial contributions towards Amtrak services into Canada from any level of government. Then whatever CN negotiates over the route for any additional trains.

Wasn’t the latter one of principal reasons Amtrak discontinued The Montrealer ?

I 69 years old. Have lived in Canada all my life. I haven’t noticed any limited freedoms.
But back to trains.
Ken is correct. Amtrak funding from Canadian governments is disgraceful. The Vancouver B.C. service could be increased to 3 trains a day if the provincial government would help out.

I echo the comment made by John Simpson regarding the current Adirondack. After sitting Rouses Pt, NY and Lacolle, QC on the Adirondack in Customs for 1 plus hours each way last summer, this is one way that Amtrak will be able to predictably shave an hour off their existing Adirondack schedule.

What I would really like to see is the revival of the overnight Montrealer in addition to extending the Vernonter to Montrealer.