Ahearn Ho Genesis Motor Help Needed

Hi I am trying to get this Athearn Genessis motor to work on my Athearn blue box HO SD40-2,I took the red wire put it on the end of the metal piece that is sticking up.ANd the black wire on the other metal piece stick up turned on my ho transformer,The motor did not work I reversed the wires did the same thing no avail,What I di is took the red wire put it on my track,An the black wire on my track turned onmy trainsformer mtor works.SO what am I doing wrong why will the motor not work in my SD40-2 for? Here is photo my Athearn SD402 my AThearn Genesis motor.


Attach one wire to the chassis and one wire to the pickup from the truck, it will run. Its not running because you are not completing the circuit. Both pickups from the trucks are picking up electric from the same rail. The chassis is the other rail.

Hello All,

Is this the motor you are using…HO Genesis Motor with Flywheels?

As has been posted Athearn Blue Box units use the frame as an electrical conduit for the other rail.

The motor brushes on Athearn BB motors are held in by clips on both the top and bottom of the motor.

The top clip extends out from the motor to both pickups on the gear towers on the trucks (one rail).

On the bottom clip there are two prongs that contact directly to the frame. On one side of the trucks, a lower arm (wiper) contacts the frame directly. This is the electrical path from the other rail.

For all-wheel electrical pickup you will need to run a wire from each bracket “sticking up” and connect them to a single wire from the motor.

Then you will need to connect the other wire from the motor to the frame.

Most people drill and tap a hole in the frame and, use a screw to attach the other wire to the frame.

You could also just drill a hole in the frame and use a small self-tapping screw to achieve the same results.

If you use this method place the screw where it won’t interfere with the shell.

Another option is to cut off the lower wipers, that contact the frame, and solder wires directly to the trucks then attach the other wire from the motor to these.

To do this you will need to remove the trucks to access the lower wipers.

By doing this you will also electrically isolate the trucks from the frame.

Using the frame as an electrical conduit won’t be a problem if you are on

I am using dc not dcc do you have a photo or a diagram on how to wire the athearn genesis to my athearn SD40-2? An yes I am using the motor in th e link you posted.Thank you for replying.

Hello All,

For which method?

Here’s a link to a diagram that uses the existing contacts on the gear towers with wires soldered directly to the trucks. Note: the contact tabs on the trucks need to be removed.

Athearn BB schematic

Hope this helps.

If your just wiring for dc, look at your trucks. There should be a thin strip of metal on the inside of the truck frames, it looks like a horseshoe kind. Those are attached to the axle wipers. If your doing dc, solder a wire to each of those, 4 total. The two from the left rail get soldered to one lead on the motor, two from the right on the other lead. That will complete the circuit. If you have a split frame chassis, check continuity from the left side to the right and make sure there is no current dtected otherwise it will cause a direct short.

If Im wrong, it will take less than a day for the experts to correct me. Lol