Airbrush Paint

All, I have a stupid question… Has anybody airbrushed with Plaid craft paint? If so, how much do you thin the paint? I use a Paasche VL airbrush.

Check out the June, 2015 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman. There is an article on how to airbrush craft paints.


go to YOU TUBE, type in airbrushing craft paint, more then a few different ways to do it


First, [#welcome] to the forums.

For airbrushing with craft paints, I thin them about 60/40 paint/thinner. Some craft paint needs 50/50 thinned, depending on how thick the craft paint is.

Another tip - Get either acrylic airbrush thinner, or some flow aid. It works better than only water. (And, unsure how mich you know, but, never use tap water, only distilled. If nothing else, if anyone just starting airbrushing sees this, then they will know.) I use the flow aid, and distilled water to thin mine. (I mix mine in 1 oz glass jars, and just a single drop of flow aid is all I need per mixed bottle of paint.)