While cruising the internet, I came across some old websites from an Albany, NY, N-Trak club. However, current info was not available. Anyone have any phone numbers or contact info, or do they even still exist?
While cruising the internet, I came across some old websites from an Albany, NY, N-Trak club. However, current info was not available. Anyone have any phone numbers or contact info, or do they even still exist?
I don’t know if they’re still active. You might check with JP Hobbies over in Latham, or Mohawk Valley hobby shop in Schenectady.
There is an N scale modular group here in Glens Falls. Send me an email if you want to contact them (I don’t have the contact info handy at teh moment).
They meet Wednesdays at 7pm in GF. The modules are set up and they run digitrax DCC. I think one of the loops is DC or is switchable.
The Glens Falls club actually has 4 layouts: N, HO (DCC), Lionel O gauge & a small G layout. They’re located downtown in the basement of the dinner theater (Glen St.)
That would be great. Thanks.