Alerter problems on Dash 9

I have been having problems with my defualt Dash 9’s alerter. In under 5 seconds after i move a control, it will go off, especially when applying dynamic brakes. I also have problems with it going off in the quicker louder tone first, rather than than the slower, slower tone.

Any imput would be appreciated.


Turn it off. I got tired of it stopping the trains when I was trying to railfan the game.

Yea, sometimes you go to an external view, watch it for a few seconds, then a loud HISS!!! And you train is stopped. I think the alerter goes off to often even in the real life, I think every 25 seconds can make you more fatigued than you already are, like an alarm clock. Even then, you still have a conductor, how many times have the alerter been used for its purpose? Probably twice in the last 20 years.


Yup, I turned it off too. It’s such a pain…

There is a way to make it realistic if you want to use it. I can explain if you want. I don’t use it either though.

Would you be kind enough to explain? [tup]