I got a catalog in the mail the other day from All Electronics Corp (www.allelectronics.com) and they have a large variety of electonic stuff, switches, wall warts, LED, and some interesting LED flasher units, etc. The prices are very reasonable - apparently they buy surplus stock - but I don’t know anything about the quality. Has anyone bought anything from this company?
I have bought from All for years. It’s surplus, but its plenty good enough for model railroading work.
I buy from All Electronics all the time, and have been for years. Sometimes their prices can’t be beat, and sometimes other places are cheaper. They sell only surplus, but I have never had a problem with any of their items. I can send an on-line order and have it in two days provided there are no holidays or weekends in between.
Good company and good items for sale. Only down side is being surplus they may not have the same item a few months from now if you order additional items.
If you see something in their catalog that you want, order it NOW. It may be sold out next month - and if it’s in the least unusual, they may never have it again.
OTOH, things like toggle switches and standard diodes are in almost every catalog.
Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - with AllElectronics switches and diodes)
i’ve ordered from them several times for myself and my club. i like that they have what i want (unlike radio shack). their site is also very easy to navigate. i’m getting ready to send in an order for my club tomorrow. i’ve ordered relays, sockets, resistors, wire, wallwarts, buss strips, shrink tubing and some tools from them.