Almost had me fooled...

You’ve just got to take a look at the scenery on this layout!

I almost took it for real…

… but then I noticed that you can just see the join between the pavement and the curb beneath the near tree.

Looking real close the vehicles sit up a tiny bit high on their tyres as well but the modeller has even painted the shadow under the auto. Amazing!

The other pics accessed from the link show a really lifelike town. Incredible detail!

Got to thanks Millrace in my “Walk ? Don’t walk” thread for this link.

Anyone else know of any other stuff this good for detail?

That is incredible work. I could never hope to match that.

I especially liked the Mom figurine in the series. Very realistic.

No dis-respect but I think you are going to have to try harder to convence me that it is a model. I don’t believe anyone could be that realistic. If it is for real a model that is so much more than Amazing. Sorry for tie dis-beliefe, Prove me wrong. I would like that. Mike

Looks pretty good for 1:1 scale. Not sure if its really a model of anything. looks like a typical midwestern town.


I’m with Mike. I don’t think any of the pics are a model. The scenery could be a model only if they were pictures pasted to a backdrop.

This is one of those places where I would love to be wrong, but I don’t think I was almost fooled.

Of course it’s not a model. Why are you wasting people’s time with this thread?

Agreed. No one can paint the reflections off the back windows on the cars.

Also, the detailed window interiors are much to in-scale and sharply defined for a model.

Yep, gotta agree. It ain’t no model. It’s the reeeeeeal thing. The light and shadows are too realistic to be a model.


If you snoop around you will discover that this a photo album from a trip the author took. Ergo, these are not model pics.

I think you are correct about these being from an album. It resembles albums from Webshots but I cannot tell for sure. The scenery appears to be real and not a modelers work in my opinion.

Dave, thou wast fooled.

Okay, I’ll rephrase my original post:- “Here’s a really interesting collection of pics of a mid-west town that could be useful to modellers”. [|)][|(][|)]

Yeah, it was from a thread asking what a “downtown” was. And I like Maquoketa so I was happy to use it for an example! :slight_smile:

seriously… how could you think this was a model… look at the sky… the clouds are clearly not “behind” the buildings… which would be the best you could do with a backdrop…