Almost that time again (PA and MD members)

It’s getting near that time again - the Fall train show at Timonium. It’s Oct 14-15 this year. I’ll be going on Saturday the 14th. Who else is going? Anyone want to meet up at the show? I already have a full car so unfortunately no room to pick anyone else up along my route (Allentown-Reading-Lancaster-York)

This is THE show worth going to for anyone in the general area. Always lots to see, lots of vendors, reasonable prices, and plety of display layouts as well. Not to mention Howard Zane’s brass collection.


I was planning on going until I found that is falls on the same weekend we will be in Gettysburg, PA. camping. We go the the Apple Harvest Festival and the Color Festival that are in the area that weekend. I could run to Timonium on Saturday but I don’t think the wife would like it to much.

Last year the show in January was pretty good. I’ll probably be going again in Jaluary / February.


I’ll be going on Saturday as well… I will take my son and perhaps a friend and his son. I’ll be looking for new rolling stock perhaps a nice Steam Engine…

And Virginia - at least northern Virginia. I usually make 3 out of 4 each year. I am planning on this one.


Not me, money’s a little tight for roadtrips to Maryland. I’ll probably head to the one in Monroeville,PA on November 11th and 12th at the ExpoMart in Monroeville,PA though. Even if I don’t buy anything they still got some nice layouts set up.


Give me some more info on that show? Is there a websight or something that gives more info. I am only about 1hr 20 minutes from Monroville. That’s where I got the info from. The shows are done by Great Train Expo. Last time I went they also had a computer sale there too a buddy of mine picked up some speakers.

I’ll be there Saturday.

The website for the show is

Long, fun weekend for me … Harley Davidson Factory tour in York on Friday; bowhunting with my cousin Saturday morning south of Lancaster; nice hotel room in MD Saturday night, with a beer/brat bbq; Timonium show on Sunday


Rockaway NJ

The Mississippi Valley N Scalers are having their annual show down around St. Louis so I’ll be there!

I plan on making an appearance… see if i can find some stuff for cheap!


who else is going?!

My wife and I are also going on Saturday. Driving up to Harrisburg Friday, visit with my niece and her family, including a new great nephew we haven’t seen yet, stay overnight and down to Timonium Saturday morning. Stay another night and return to Pittsburgh Sunday morning. Should be a really nice weekend. Have a safe trip everybody.


I won’t be able to make it to this show…

But I’m going to the TCA York show on the 20th. [:)]