Alternate whistle sounds for QSI decoder

I just bought a used Proto 2000 Heritage 2-8-8-2 with QSI sound/DCC. The whistle is the Banshee type and I really don’t like it., The loco is undecorated but has what I think is a Pennsy pilot with the horizontal bars, hence the whistle selection. I would like to use another whistle but don’t have the manual for the decoder and have contacted Walther’s (to get a manual or PDF) but haven’t heard back yet. Does anyone know if there are alternate whistles on their sound decoders and how to select them. I tried JMRI and it recognized the decoder but only has ‘alternate whistle’ as a selection other than the supplied one. I tried using the Alternate selection but it just transfered the whistle to F9 and then F2 didn’t work. Any suggestions?



You could also check the QSI web site and see if they have a sound file for the particular whistle that you’re looking for. Chances are you would need to find someone with a QSI Quantum Programmer in order to install the whistle for you.

I poked around and found the link for the Sound Library. While there’s a number of whistles listed, I didn’t see one specifically for a 2-8-8-2.


Most of the early QSI decoders had very little selection. And the ones I have had did not support down-loading of new sound files. They do have QSI Solutions upgrade chips for your locomotive(from Tonys Train Exchange). I got upgrade chips for my BLI 2-8-2 steamers and a Life’Like/Walthers GP9. They had more whistle sounds, better sound and cost about $40 each.



Not to sound to ignorant, but is the upgrade chip and actual chip that you replace on the decoder? Or is it a software upgrade that requires a QSI programmer?


It’s an actual physical chip. Once you have the upgrade chip, any further upgrades ARE just program updtes with the QSI programmer.


thanks guys, guess I will give Tony’s a call and see what I can do with it. Too bad they don’t have multiiple choices like Tsunami. I went to the QSI website to listen to the whistles they have and found a couple I like. Now to see what I can get with the upgrade.


I don’t know which version of the decoder you have in your model, but I found a QSI manual referenced through the Walthers website that has this to say about selecting an alternate horn or whistle (page 20 of

• Press the Alternate Horn Selection key, F11, to select between the alternate Horn and the primary Horn or the Whistle. Hear a short hoot to indicate which one has been selected.

Operate the selected Horn or Whistle with the F2 key.

I tried this Alternate Whistle using F11 and it just moved the whistle button to F11. There weren’t any actual alternate whistles to select from.




A little history for your loco. The Pennsy received six 2-8-8-2 class Y3 locomotives from the mostly owned (51% share) N&W during WW2. The PRR only painted, renumbered and added keystones number plates (Rare for a freight engine) and classed them HH1. They put 5 in service and one (#373) remained as a parts source for the others. Based out of Columbus Ohio they did not stray far from where they came from. Very little was changed to these so the pilot that came on the loco was the one it was scrapped with. The whistle should not be a Banshee at all. They came with the N&W six chime that was not changed. Either way the PRR would have been replacing Banshee whistles with the PRR 3 chime better known as the K4 whistle by the time these locos were received. They served both railroads very well and were well liked by the crews who ran them.


WOW; I just got the first 110 pages of the QSI manual printed [:|] ,now I just have to read it ,memorize & address my issues.

if I have some extra time I mite run down and get another INK cartrige & a case a paper to do the remaining 157 pages left to go,now I know why many prefere the sountraxx, I think that manual was under 100 pages…Jerry


Thanks for the history lesson on these beautiful locos. I have a N&W Y6B by Rivarossi also and these are some of my favorite engines. I went to the QSI website and the K4 whistle that they sample is nothing like a Banshee or similar, rather a very nice sounding one that I would even prefer on my model. I don’t know the actual Proto model number as I bought it used and without the box or manual/literature. The Walthers listing for this loco is#920-60200, an undecorated USRA 2-8-8-2 and matches what I have. Since it is undecorated, I don’t know what prototype they used for this model with the horizontal bar (PRR style) pilot.

Thanks again,



The PRR did not have any of these locos. The six they got from the N&W were not the USRA designed locos but were products of the Roanoke shops. The tender is different and also the pilots and other details. Why Walthers put Keystones on them is beyond me. You will also notice the spoked pilot wheels of the PRR locos.

Sorry for any confusion I may have given you.
