AM Flyer Hiawatha Streamliner Question

I recently purchased a clockwork AM Flyer Hiawatha Streamliner and just realized that the beavertail is painted differently than most versions. Mine has a solid gray beavertail with no lettering, while most have orange stripes and Hiawatha lettering. Is this an early or different version or just one that’s been repainted? The gray paint on the beavertail is approximately the same shade and age as the gray on the rest of the coaches.

You have an orginal set. I am not sure of the reason for the gray painted tail on your car, but am guessing they ran low on the lithographed tail parts at some point and substituted them with a gray one. I have an identical car to yours and have seen several of them over the years.


NWL, Many thanks for the reply. This version must be fairly rare. Good to know.