Yesterday (last night) marked my 27th day in a row of work without a day off. I got off work at midnight. This morning I got in bed around 4:30 am. And what did I do have working for 27 days in a row without a day off? [?] I set the alarm clock for 7 am. [:0] WHY ? ? ? [?] The 3985 was leaving town this morning at 8 am. [}:)] [;)] And what did Jim do about that ? ? ? [?] I went and took pictures of it. [;)] [:)] [:D] Insane ? ? ? SURE, by some people’s standard.
But I do have 24 shots of 3985 under steam and putting on a SHOW. [:)] [:p] [:D] Man is that sucker L O U D [:0] [B)] I just got back in from taking the film to be developed at Walgreens. By noon I will be able to pick up the prints and picture disk and see how they turned out. [8D] [:p] [:D]
If any are good enough I will email some to Bergie. [;)]
If stepson Matt can run his first bike race yesterday, on a very hilly (for Wisconsin) route, in 40 degree temp. with hard rain and wind, and he is sane, so are you.
Besides bike races will always be there, but can we say that about 3985?
I work on brand new business jets being sold to very rich people or very large companies. We start the process at my end. The jets are made overseas and flown here “green”, we add all the extra equipment and install every bell and whistle the customer wants. The jets come over with nothing and bearly legal to fly, when they leave us, they are the Cadillac of business jets. You would not believe the inside of one, gold plated a***rays, and sinks.
In my hangar we add the wiring and structures for new equipment, add that equipment and do other modification as required by the customer. The plane then goes to paint. After paint it goes to another hangar where they add all the interior items and start testing all the equipment. When they finish with it , then it goes to the flight line for additional testing and then it is flown to check everything out while flying.
It all may sound easy but it isn’t. I come home with cuts and bruises every day. You have to work in position that kill your back, you have very little room in some place to do anything but yet must do something in that space. Trust me if I had to do it all over again I would have went to work on the track gang while my mother could have got me on but NOooooooooooo, Jim was too stupid to do that. [:(] [:(!] [V]
Jim - We all know you’re crazy, but so are we (takes one to know one…). On the other hand, chasing 3985 is hardly insane. Just the opposite, in fact. Have to preserve history while it’s available…
They used to require an FCC GROL license to be qualified to be the QA Inspector. But since I finally past the test and have that license they have changed horses in the middle of the stream and have decided to require an A & P license. I have a degree in Aircraft Maintenance and have completed all A & P courses so now just have to pass the computer tests and take the O & Ps. Finding time to restudy for the computer test is a problem now. I plan to study some today, that is after steam cleaning the carpet, laundry, dishes, yard work, changing the bed, and various other housework. Wish me luck. [;)]
Well said tree68 and BaltACD. Such eloquence could land you in a customer service phone bank where if you are not crazy we tell you not to worry ," We’ll instruct you in the finer points of that condition"
I emailed Bergie 18 of the pics. I thought some of them were pretty darn good. I am hoping he agrees and posts at least one of them for the Photo Of The Day. Wish me luck. [;)]