Ambroid Pickle car (vat type)

Hi, Does any one have the plans for an Ambroid pickle car? I picked up a car on Ebay that is partially assembled thinking I could finish it. I just can’t figure out how the bracing, ladders and grab irons go on . Also there is some nut bolt washer sets. I would appreciate a little help. Thanks, Wayne

Check with the Kalmbach Memorial Library Wayne. You never know, they just may have a copy.

gsetter is quite correct, you’re best chance would be to write the NMRA’s Kalmbach Library. They maintain a large file of old kit construction plans and, given Ambroid’s popularity - particularly with regard to pickle cars -, I would full expect they have the plans on file.

If worst came to worst and the library failed you, the NMRA has (did have a few years ago anyway) a Special Interest Group devoted specifically just to the pickle cars! I’m sure someone therein could certainly assist you.


Good God! a special interest group for just one brand of a pickle car!![:0] Now that is special [8D]
I wonder if Athearn pickle car oners are allowed.[;)]

To my knowledge, this SIG specializes in all pickle cars, without regard to manufacturer! [:D]


I had one of those. I wish I would have kept it. Then I wouldn’t be looking for one, and I could send you the plans. Good luck with the building. It was (is) a wonderful model.

While on the subject of pickles,

My sister gave me this one, from a yard sale. Now I have to keep it. Last night I was kicked out of the Train/Family room, and out of the computer room by the women of the house, so I took this silly thing downstairs and replaced the horn-hooks. Not only did it have truck-mounted horn-hooks, but one of them was actually mounted upside-down.

Did you ever find the plans??? LOL




Ok Mr Google, we’ll be good , we promise. [:X]



Here’s one that I just pulled out of the attic. I built it back in the fifty’s as a kid when my weathering and lettering techniques were at an early stage . Peter Smith, Memphis

You may find two pages of the instructions here: and

I don’t want to side track the thread, but does anyone remember the Thomas pickle tank cars? They were offered with tinplate trucks but I imagine that O scalers adapted them, as well.

John Timm

I have one comming from Ebay. Can’t wait to start it.