If all else fails, and I have to replace my vintage open frame motor, my only recourse is a can motor.
My understanding is that a 1/2 speed can motor will result in better smoke production than a full speed can motor.
But, is a 1/2 speed can motor literally that, 1/2 speed?
Let’s say it takes 18 seconds for a fully functioning American Flyer #312 steam engine to complete one cycle around the layout at full speed using my current transformer. Does this mean that a 1/2 speed can motor will take 36 seconds to complete the cycle?
Of course, I am willing to concede that in its current state, my open frame motor may only be running at 1/2 speed, so maybe it should complete the cycle in 9 seconds.
What might help is for someone to time the speed of his AF steam engine on an oval or circle layout. How many seconds to complete the cycle with just the engine and tender, and what s the length of the oval or circle.
I would appreciate any thoughts or comments that you might have on this issue.
The difference is in the worm. Original Flyer worms had two groves, the half speed motors have one grove. Therefore the have to rotate twice where as the original motors rotated once to move the locomotive the same distance. I have half speed motors and you definitely get better slower speed performance. But if you want to run fast even the half speed motor will kick out plenty of speed, It is like the speed equivalent on some S- Helper locos. I have been completely satisfied with their speed range.
Out of curiosity, how do the 1/2 speed can motors compare in length with the Timko can motors that have a flywheel? I suspect that the 1/2 speed cans are shorter than the Timkos and would protrude out the back less far and therefore when the can housing is painted black, it would be a lot less noticeable.
The motors are only slightly longer that the original ones and do not protrude at all from the rear of most locomotives. They may from a 0-6-0 switcher. They are smaller in diameter than the original. No modifications to the chassis or other gears are required. Un-screw the original and disconnect the wires insert the replacement and screw it in place. I went the cheap route and got the bride rectifier to put on the mechanical reverse unit. Just follow the wiring instructions, no permanent modification to the reverse unit Wire the smoke unit and light directly to the tender trucks. With just two wires going to the motor and two going to the smoke and light the wiring harness matches in appearance the original Flyer four wire locomotives.
Good to know! People usually say that when they want someone to shut up, but in this case, I really mean it. Thanks! I was wondering about the measurement on them and quite frankly, I was very skeptical about their performance. You have answered that issue as well in a previous post, I think. Good stuff, Major.
I did a Google on “Crazy Cat”. Be careful if you do cuz, well… Anyway, I got a couple stoopid avatars out of it that I just love. It IS a cat. A very, very wet and old cat. I just can’t believe a cat can look like that, but that is exactly how I feel a lot of times.
I need to scratch-build a food factory some day and name it, “C. Heston’s Food Factory” or something like that. Well, hey! Green is IN! LOL Oh… So many things on the RR to do. Sigh.
It is just one unit. The worm gear shaft is part of the motor just as it is with original Flyer steam locomotive armatures. It is a very easy converson once the old motor is removed the can motor is mounted to a plate that attaches in the same way as the original motors do. I will get a loco I converted out tonight take pictures and post some photos.
You can see how the motor is mounted to a plate that fastens in the original Flyer motor mounts. This is mounted in a #293 New Haven Pacific. Lots of room to place figures in the cab.
The motor is 1&1/2 inches long and 1 & 1/16 inches wide
This is the Bridge rectifier mounted to the reverse unit. It was pre shape and I purchased it with the motor
Here is another view and you can make out the positive lead going to the lower fingers.
Thanks for the pictures, Rich. I have a bunch of 5 pole can motors, and I was just wondering if i can adapt them to a couple of my American Flyer engines. *I might be better off ordering from Portline.
I asked earlier whether it was necessary to replace the worm wheel and was told no. I have since looked up pictures of this motor and don’t understand why this is so. The worm on the half-speed motor indeed has only one start instead of two, but appears to be the same diameter as the two-start worm. This places the worm’s thread at a flatter angle relative to the worm wheel. I cannot imagine how the two could engage properly, unless the worm wheel is extremely thin. The only other possibility seems to be that the worm wheel is made of a soft material, plastic perhaps, and the new worm cuts or wears new teeth into it. Can anyone give me a rationale for this?
I’ll try to answer your question as the 1/2 gear shafts meshes perfectly with the original gear on the axles. If you take one string and wrap it around a pencil the distance between the string wraps is exactly the same as if you wrap two strings around a pencil. The difference of course is that on the two string wrap each individual string is twice as far apart from each wrap of the same string. Unless you look at the end of the shaft you cannot tell the difference between a 1/2 speed gear and a regular gear.
Notice that the one-start worm on the left has a different, flatter slope to its thread than the two-start worms. This is inevitable, because the turns of the helical thread are half as far apart as on the two-start worms. Normally, the teeth on a worm wheel are cut diagonally to accommodate this slope. That is why I am puzzled that the one-start worm would mesh “perfectly” with a worm wheel designed for a two-start worm.
I am not sure that you will get more smoke out of a 1/2 can motor than you will out of the vintage open-frame motor, but I am told that the 1/2 can will produce more smoke than the full can.
Portlines is a great source for can motors. Here is the link:
Rich, it does seem that by running a half speed motor you would be applying more voltage to get an equal amount of speed in comparison to the full speed motor. We get the most smoke at full throttle, but it’s not practical to run at full throttle unless your last name is Addams. I do most of my running at 1/4 to 1/2 throttle now as I assume most of us do and all but the freshly rebuilt smoke units produce very little at these low speeds…
I have used 1/2 speed motors. You will have improved smoke output because you will be using the higher range on your transformer for moderate to higher speeds and therefore more voltage to the smoke unit. Also when I use a MTH M1000 transformer ALL of my Flyer locomotives smoke better and the Flyer by Lionel smoke alot better. I was told that this is due to the way the sine wave is produced.
I just did my second conversion on the 293 4-6-2 NYNH&H with the 1/2 speed can motor from Portlines. My first was a full speed can on a 300 4-4-2 Atlantic. Both conversions I used the 400 Dallee reverse units. I can tell you comparing the full speed to the half speed can motors. You get a lot more smoke with the half speed can motor, because at half speed your putting out just as much smoke as you would be going at full speed. But I might get more smoke because I’m going with the Dallee reverse unit and followed their directions on wiring the smoke and light directly back to the tender not to the E-Unit or motor.
I have my lay out in the garage. The smoke was so thick I had to open the garage door and turn on the big floor fan. But you can do that in Arizona this time of year…
My wife came out it the garage and ask what I was smoking? Just a little cho