American Flyer F9 Question.....

Recently picked up a set of American Flyer F9 A-A in Santa Fe livery.The motor runs great but problem is it is not engaging the gear set and doesn’t move.I don’t know if the driveshaft is bent or teeth are broken on the gear set.My main problem is I am not sure how to inspect the gear box.It looks like the gear box cover is a spring clip but I am not sure.Any thoughts on either question how to get gear box cover off or why motor spins free not engaging.I never worked on one and all the service manuals I checked doesn’t give much info on these engines.These are from 1962 I believe…thanks

Sorry to see you are not getting a response to your question. I was curious enough to go looking around the various resources, and as you say there isn’t a lot of information out there about the repair and maintanace of these particular locomotives. They are described in the catalog as having a “single worm-drive power truck”. From what little I can tell from the few diagrams I have seen they have a vertically mounted motor that drives a single axle on the inside of the truck, and then the power is transmitted to the outside axle by a gear on the side of the truck box. Based upon the symptoms you have described, I would say either the worm has become disenaged from the motor drive shaft, or the driven gear on the axle is spinning freely. In either case I’m afraidyou are going to have to bite the bullet and open it up.

Thanks for the reply and yes I do think opening the gearbox is the only way to find out the cause.There lies the problem I don’t really see how the gearbox is secured.As I mentioned in the earlier thread it may be a spring clip as I don’t see any screws or bolts holding it together.I am in no rush I just don’t want to mess a really nice engine to say I fixed it.Worse case scenerio I need to find a reputable A.F. repair shop that has some experience with the F9…

Just repaired 2 of them. the gear on the drive axle is plastic and has most likely split. Doug Peck has replacement delrin gears at 7.50 each. bought 2 from him last week at York. Amato’s ( HOBBY SURPLUS) used to list replacement brass gears but they are O/S on them. take your time removing the motor so you don’t crack the shell . remove the base plate carfully and then remove the drive axle. you’ll have to remove 1 wheel and bearing to replace the gear and then reassemble. don’t forget to put the axle bearing back on in the right position before pressing the wheel back on. then reassemble the power truck and lube all gears and oil all bearings. hope this helps.

RRLINEMAN thanks for the heads up on getting the F9 back on its hind legs.Yes the removal of the motor does in fact look tricky and not sure if I am brave enough to attempt the repair.I have repaired numerous steam engines,several PAs,couple of Baldwins and one or two GP 7s but this F9 has me stumped.I will ponder its dissassembly but am in no rush.Thanks for the great advise.l.