American Flyer Pikemaster Trucks

I just came across some 1960’s cars and one has a broken pikemaster truck. Any advise as to the best way to replace a new one on it? Repairing is not an option. Thanks!

Many Flyer vendors as at Greenberg Train Shows et al, carry replacement parts.

CTT has a listing of people who sell parts as well.

Thanks, I plan on going to the next Greenberg Train Show. I have found them on Ebay also. But I need advice on how to replace them, what tools, etc.

I have replace the trucks on pike master cars. You NO NOT have to remove the rivet holding the truck. Each truck has a slot in it on each side of the mounting hole. Carfully spread the truck a little apart at the slot to enlarge the monting hole with a wide blade and snap it off the rivet and do the same with the new one to snap it on. It really works. It is easier to put the new one on than to remove the old one. It helps to have some one assist you to hold the car and keep pressure on the rivet so you can push the new truck on.

Thanks! Done, nice and easy.