I recently was given an American Flyer MR set plus some extras (circa 1950s). I don’t want to keep it as it does not fit into my MR modelling activity. In checking internet sites it appears that there is a glut of AF equipment out there that people are trying to unload and my impression is that this interest is mainly in the US.
Does anyone have any idea if AF is of interest in Canada (ie Ontario, Toronto, GTA)?
American Flyer was not as popular as Lionel, in the 50’s and continues today. Go to shows and the Lionel far outnumber the AF stuff. The less common makes it more attractive to some, like me.
I know Lionel produced catalogs specifically for the Canadian market but I’ve never seen a post-war Flyer catalog labeled as “Canadian”. I suspect they just used the same printing and relied on retailers to do the currency exchange work.
Try searching for S-gauge collector’s clubs in the Toronto, Ottowa, Montreal and Vancouver areas. Seing as they would have been the biggest markets, you’re more likely to find clubs there.
But hey, if you don’t want them I’ll take them! giggle
I lived in Toronto years ago, and at that time I bought some very nice Flyer pieces from them. And yes, I still have them. George’s Trains now has two locations, I see.
Good point - Georges Trains might be a starting point. I actually live east from Toronto but have been to one of their locations. Didn’t realize they were into AF stuff. Thanx for that.
This is an interesting question, and some good responses as well. From my perspective, I don’t know if I agree that there is a glut of american flyer on ebay for sale. I do agree there is a lot, but it is also the season for buying and selling trains. There are also lots of Lionel items for sale on ebay.
I did a quick search and the results are:
American Flyer train search returned, 4628 items for sale
As I type this, there is a Flyer 302 Reading Atlantic and a Flyer 322 NYC Hudson on the mantle before me. Both of them were originally bought at George’s Trains. And in the next room is a box of Flyer freight cars from the same source.
At the time, they only had one location, 510 Mount Pleasant Rd. They were far and away Toronto’s premiere source for used Lionel and Flyer, and I bought a lot of both. I have no idea how things are today, but I’d recommend checking them out.