American Freedom Train - Navy Pier

When I was a young kid (around 1975), I remember seeing the eastbound American Freedom Train going down the former C&NW east-west mainline through River Forest IL (couple miles east of Proviso Yard, 9 miles west of downtown Chicago). That was the first time I saw a live steam locomotive, and it made quite an impression!

My question to anybody out there, is whether it was the Southern Pacific Daylight #4449 or the Reading 4-8-4 which would have been displayed at Chicago’s Navy Pier - I’ve always wondered which of these two locomotives is the one I saw. I’ve read articles stating that the Reading 4-8-4 was relieved by SP #4449 at Proviso Yard, but I’ve never seen anything published as to whether this locmotive change would have occurred before or after I saw the train heading downtown toward Navy Pier.

Can anyone help out? Thanks!