Who’s going to be at the Amherst show? It will be here soon - Jan 28 & 29.
Stop by the Adirondack Railroad booth and say hi!
Better Living Center - Section 18 - Tables G & H
I will be there on Saturday only (possibly Friday for media). The usual coverage for YouTube, I will be covered in my merch/logos so hard to miss.
Down to the 2 week countdown. Make sure your shopping list is ready and that you have comfortable shoes.
Indeed. Headed to Utica for a small show today, will probably see some of the folks I need to check with to make sure our show kit is ready to go.
I also have a bit of a shopping list this year. Fortunately, I think we’ll have enough people to staff our booth so we all get a chance to wander a bit.
One thing I love about the Amherst show is that it’s big enough to actually attract the manufacturers. At smaller shows, you’ll see dealers carrying items from name-your-manufacturer. At Amherst, you’ll see name-your-manufacturer themselves. Nothing wrong with that.
Latest update: Edaville #11 will be operating under steam for both days of the show.
We’ve got a Greenberg show coming our way this weekend. Not super-big as far as Greenberg shows go but you never know what you’ll find, do you? [^o)]
Amherst sounds fantastic but it’s just too far for me to go. Maybe one day. Considering the vagaries of New England weather this time of year the middle of winter seems like an odd time of year for a big show like that, but what do I know? Obviously it works for them.
My big show this year’s going to be the TCA show in York PA in April. Everyone I know says “You’ve gotta go to York! You’ve GOTTA go to York!” OK, I’m going, just to see what’s it’s like. And who knows who I’ll run into there? Could be interesting!
Well, it didn’t work all that fired great last year. With 1+ weeks to go lets hope we don’t get a nasty storm this time.
ETA - checked the really long range forecast for Springfield MA - for what its worth Saturday (28 Jan) is supposed to be cold but clear, with a slight change of precipitation (which would be snow). Lets see how that holds up in the days to come.
Went to Springfield a few years after not one, but two major storms had dumped on the area. The show went on without a hitch, but driving the back streets was an experience. Snow was piled as high as people could throw it. Residential sidewalks were like canyons.
York, PA is a popular place for major shows of all sorts - probably because it’s centrally located along the Middle Atlantic and can draw from NYC, Baltimore, DC, and a lot of points west.
Putting together my shopping list.
One more week. Long-range weather forecast looks good. Have your shopping list and your comfortable shoes ready.
Some extra show information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tWj60qbO0o
I’m loading up the video from a trip up our line from Thendara to Tupper Lake to a thumb drive. With any luck, I’ll have it running during the show.
Accuweather is stating decent enough weather for Saturday (Sunday as well), clear and well above freezing. Big change from last year (and even from 4 years ago, when I forgot to bring a wool hat and was freezing my ears off waiting for the show buildings to open (they were also playing some rather annoying songs over the PA just to add to the general-grimness).
Nice part about being an exhibitor - I don’t have to wait outside.
At least they have covered walkways between the buildings.
We’ll be in BLC - stop by and see us! I’ll be the tall guy in a conductor’s uniform.
Music is provided by the Big E. The Amherst Railway Society doesn’t get to choose.
Tables are in place, and vendors and layouts are getting set up. Opening whistle is 9:00Am on Saturday.
VRF Has a live cam - Need to go cooridinate a wave!!
Perfect show day weather. Total attendance for Saturday was 11,921.
The place was packed most of the day all four buildings. We started with 300 brochures outlining our potential offerings for this year, and ran out about 3 PM. We’ve got more for Sunday.
Had two visitors from Illinois (VRF/YouTube denizens) stop by to say high.
Looking pretty good for tomorrow.