Oh, no, I never thought you were whining. If anything, I’m the one whining about getting up at 6:30AM for a 9AM train show that’s just 10 min. from my hotel. [swg] Still, it’s the only way to get a close parking spot. I’ve been going to this show for 33 years, and I always try to get there at least 1 hour before show time.
BTW, did anyone find out why they opened the show 10 min. early on Sunday?
For improvements, I would tell the show to move the Atlas booth further away from the doorway to the larger Mallery hall. For some reason, the show set up a couple Atlas tables perpendicular to the doorway’s edge. Along with the Dry Hill modular group on the other side, it formed a long funnel that seriously impeded travel between the smaller front hall and the larger rear hall in the Mallery.
I would also ask for the return of the tent “hallways” outside between the buildings. We got lucky in that it wasn’t pouring rain, but it was still unpleasant on Saturday. Sunday morning was worse with large flakes of snow for a couple hours.
I kinda figured after the fact (I had no idea it was even snowing until after the first customers came in covered in snow), but that wouldn’t have been such an issue if the tent “hallways” had been there.
Did they give any warning? I don’t recall hearing one. Just “The show is now open.” I was rather surprised it was 9:50AM at the time.