Ammonoosuc Valley Railroad Association modular layout, Pix heavy.

The Ammonoosuc Valley Railway Association modular layout. Here shown assembled and operating at Profile School during a train show. The layout comes apart into 4 foot sections all of which fit into a weatherproof trailer in which the layout lives most of the year. It goes to three or four shows a year. I took these pictures at the show. Took the pix with an ordinary point&shoot under available lighting (fluorescent which throws the colors off somewhat).

Just goes to show that reasonable photos can be done with an affordable camera and available lighting.

Be sure to get your group back on the MR list and post your show on Events so we can find you next year.

Thanks for the photos, see you at a show somewhere.

Really nice photos. Has anyone noticed the nose of the diesel in the last picture? Is it just me or is that a camera sticking out?

It’s a camera. We have a TV set showing the traincam video.