The second week of February and the buzz from the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority was that the Amtrak service to Portland, Maine would soon start. The work was that with the track work done service would start May 1st of this year.
But, as with every step, Guilford throws yet another monkey-wrench into the plan.
They get millions to improve the trackwork, which they are about to finish, to their benefit.
Recently it was the weight of the rail for the speed that Amtrak planned. Then they wanted Amtrak to get additional Insurance for the potent potential “Evironmental” damage the construction of asphalt platforms might cause. Now they are claiming the roadbed, that they constructed to approved specifications, will not take the stress of Amtrak’s planned 79 mph service.
It will take six to nine months for the STB to decide this latest issue. There goes yet another start-up date!
Boy, does Guilford have a pair, or what? In the meantime tax money has paid for the roadbed improvement and the public can’t benefit from th expected passenger service.
Congress should investigate them, if they have time to investigate every allegded “it does’t look good” issue with the Clinton pardon.
I want to ride to Portland!