Amtrak may order modern, lightweight trainsets

Those new euro type as pictured trains have seats that I cant pass out and spread out on. They look like airine seats. Try being stuck on airline seats for 12 hours…

Amtrak is looking at integrated trainsets/DMU self-propelled cars and unpowered cars meeting the following criterias:

  • 79 - 110 mph capable, with provisions for a 125 mph option for the NEC
  • 85’ maximum car length
  • 165,000 lbs maximum weight per car
  • minimum seating capacity 60 seats per car

A RFI will be released arounf end of June.

As example Brightline coaches have 58 or 66 seats.
Regards, Volker

You should be thrown off trains for drunken, obnoxious behavior.

There are numerous airline flights longer than 12 hours. Those flights are generally full.

One should also note that Brightline has closer-to-airline-coach-seat width because they chose ADA compliant aisle width. Nobody has not ridden because of that that I’ve heard or read…

The newswire post that Amtrak is starting to replace Amfleet-1s has 2 items to consider.

  1. Mr. Anderson does not realize the AM-2s have much more mileage and there fore as an average have more wear, tear, and metal fatigue than AM-1s. Of course the AM-1 LD lounges are an exception as they have the mileage of the -2s.

  2. Single level LD trains are on the way out so why replace the AM-2s ?

As well -2s on the average run on rougher track than -1s ?

Bi-level or Hi-Level long distance trains are precluded from operating in the Northeast because of clearance limitations on the Northeast Corridor. The “Cardinal” and “Capitol Ltd” can operate with Superliners since they both terminate in Washington.