Amtrak merger?

Here I go, starting trouble again…

Did Sprint merge with Amtrak? Check out their new logo:


Nah, Sprint broke off their affiliation with a railroad years ago and swore they would NEVER do that again.[(-D][(-D][(-D]

The logo is to represent Sprint’s classic “pin drop” to now where it falls and bounces back straight up.

Take care,


Sprint’s network started out as Southern Pacific’s in house communications (PBX). SP spun Sprint off into it’s own prior to the failed SP-SF merger, and it grew from there.

chad that is interesting information about Sprint. All I know about them is that I had one of their cell phone’s once and I didn’t like it at all. It kept droping calls on me and I was haveing trouble accessing the network. So I decided to drop Sprint and go with Nextel. Now Sprint and Nextel merged to form the holding company SprintNextel. I’m not too happy about that one but, I haven’t been having too much trouble with my phone since the merger. [:D] So, maybe eveything will work out after all.

I do wonder what will happen to Sprint if they did start some kind of communications affilation (spelling) with Amtrak? You never know it might be profitable.

I noticed that after I saw a tv commercial. I think it’s actually a neat logo, if it wasn’t JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE’S LOGO. When I got my first piece of Sprint mail (before I saw th commercial), I saw the logo and instantly thought, “Looks like Amtrak’s logo”!

I’ve been a Sprint customer for almost 5 years, by way of recommendation of a couple friends, although one said that they couldn’t get reception inside their aluminum-sided house!

Don’t worry, Nextel is just as bad as Sprint.[;)]
Even after the merger (sprint/Nextel) they will most likely use there own respective cell site equiptment.
I din’t see them forming any kind of aliance with Amtrak, But I would bet they lease fiber optic capacity from the railroads in the places they serve (as a long distance carrier that is).

IIRC, they laid in lots of fiber and discovered they had lots of excess capacity, so they sold it (or rented it, actually). Much of the communications infrastructure in this country is buried on RR and limited-access highway ROWs.

Here’s what I heard about recent telecom mergers:

  • Cingular buying AT&T Wireless* was a good “fit”, since both companies used the same kind of cellular signal
  • Sprint and Nextel were not as good a fit, since they use different types of signals. So, Sarah, your phone should be “safe” for now.
  • AT&T Wireless, not to be confused with AT&T itself, which had planned on offering a new wireless service using Sprint! Ha! Although this may change with AT&T’s merger with SBC, which is an owner of Cingular!

So, now that I have you all completely confused… [swg][banghead]

IMHO, Sprint has made VAST improvements on their network in recent years. Places I got absolutely no signal whatsoever now have service, and the signal is better where it was not so good. Of course, newer phones help too, at least until they completely quit working! [banghead][V]

In relevance to above about SP’s PBX system, the name of the company was Southern Pacific Communications Company, which became a part of GTE in 1982. Check out this link:

Take care,


Your right, lots of fiber along railroad right of ways. In some spots capacity was sucked up soo fast that the SP had to come back and lay a second and sometimes third cable.

Sprint was born before fiber was widely used for long distance communications. So in this case it’s the other way around. Southern Pacific had a vast network of mountaintop microwave sites long before fiber. I used to have a sort of real estate guide for renting rack and tower capacity and I was amazed at how many sites were owned by SP, even places far from the railroad. And they (SP then UP) still own them today and Sprint leases space from the UP. This is mostly for the long distance carrier service not so much for the cell sites. Cell sites need smaller areas and are less dependant on mountaintops and more dependant on having multiple sites in lower, more evenly spread out areas.

humm…well…i never notices the similiartiy between the to logos…but since you brought it up…im sure now we will be hearing about some law suit brought up by one or the other companies about copy right infringment of the logo…lol… im sure the corprot lawers that patrol the internet like a pack of hungry wolfs looking for thier next kill have read this thread already…and are looking into fileing legal action as i type this…lol…
csx engineer

If that is so, will Amtrak/Sprint offer long distance specials? (10 cents a minute on the Empire Builder)[(-D]

Hmmm…I don’t see the similarity myself, and don’t think any lawsuits are going to be brought by both companies in regards to their logos.

My wife works for Sprint and has some input she would like to share:

Merger: Sprint / Nextel is a merger of equals (Amtrak is not a telecommunications company) As my husband stated earlier, logo is animation of pin dropping which is currently being deplicted in certain Sprint advertisements (Nothing to do with Amtrak).

*** Side note: With the merger Sprint / Nextel is the official wireless sponsor of the NFL which compliments the already existing relationship with Nascar.

I have always been under the assumption that Sprint owns the largest fiber-optic system. In 1987 the network consisted of 20,000 miles of fiber-optic. I do know Sprint leases fiber-optic to many of its competitors. From my knowledge of land acquisition (Nothing to do with Sprint, just speculating like everyone else now), it could be possible that an easement is used with the RR.

I hope this information helps everyone [:D]

Take care,


i said what i said as a scarcastic comment… but i guess sarcastic hummor is lost on

No, but I have it on good account that on AmSprint (SprinTrak??) you’ll only be able to make calls in Texas and southern Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and the Florida panhandle on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays if they’re to the east and Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays if they’re to the west. [}:)][}:)][}:)][banghead][banghead][banghead]

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