Amtrak observations

So I have toyed with this idea of what an Amtrak observation car would look like if they had them today. I envision something like a Metroliner car with more glass for traditional coachs and something like the Milwaukee Road cars for a Superliner obs. The SUperliner might even have a hot tub with a two story atrium. I can dream can’t I?

You’re on the right “track” but something more practical and a real
marketing point would be for Amtrak to convert a portion of its
underutilized and mostly non-revenue generating Superliner transition
sleepers into similar amenities: fitness area with bolted down
fitness equipment, maybe a hot tub (in that the sleepers have
excellent showering facilities), and contracted-out barber,
salon/manicure, and massage facilities.

the Golden State had a barber shop on board but I dont think it would work today. The bouncing over low spots would get your ear cut off!I like the hot tub idea but you would have to have it in a bubble for the same reason.

The hot tub would have to have glass walls extended upwards to keep the slosh in the tank. Part of the car would be changing rooms and showers with time reserved for the tub. The upper deck would have a sightseeing area for viewing both outside and inside the car.

Actually the Barber shop would be better today as it was all jointed rail when the Golden State had the Barber Shop. But not only did the Golden State have a barber shop but so did many other name trains of the day the Super Chief, Chief, City of Los Angeles, City of San Francisco, City of Portland, Twentieth Century Limited, Broadway Limited and many others to name but a few.