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Amtrak passenger arrested for carrying marijuana
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Amtrak passenger arrested for carrying marijuana
Certainly puts a new meaning into “flying high.”
Sorenson’s mistake was he assumed all those gun toting inbred country bumpkin sheriff’s deputies in the red states were too stupid to find him. Why is the border patrol so slow? Portland to Grand Forks? How many days is that? Why not nail him in Spokane? My guess is the border patrol probably had to file 10,000 pages of useless information in order to get clearance and be in compliance with all the fluffy discrimination laws, before notifying a sheriff, who wastes no time.
Don’t try to smuggle dope, idiot!
I guess having marijuana while the train is stopped in Grand Forks is a crime. If the train wasn’t stopped in Grand forks it wouldn’t be a crime. Who writes this stuff anyway? Grade school children?
Good Job!
Good Job!
Seems like harassment of a paying passenger. Bet the next time he takes the bus.
Why? Now i know why they always have unnecessary borders checks on trains.
Why? Now i know why they always have unnecessary borders checks on trains.
Why? Now i know why they always have unnecessary borders checks on trains.
Why? Now i know why they always have unnecessary borders checks on trains.
I’d have to assume that transporting that much pot is a commercial thing, not just for “casual use.” On a recent trip north on the Coast Starlight, at one of the “smoke stops” I observed a fellow passenger smoking what was very obviously a joint on the platform. Can’t be sure, but I think it was San Luis Obispo. Nobody batted an eye, including me. Probably “medical” marijuana.
personal attacks… will be deleted. previous post quote:
‘Sorenson’s mistake was he assumed all those gun toting inbred country bumpkin sheriff’s deputies in the red states were too stupid to find him.’
…editor, why wasn’t this deleted?
“Why is the border patrol so slow? Portland to Grand Forks? How many days is that? Why not nail him in Spokane?”… my view, good point!
“My guess is the border patrol probably had to file 10,000 pages of useless information in order to get clearance and be in compliance with all the fluffy discrimination laws, before notifying a sheriff, who wastes no time.” … gettin’ close to being not respectful, but the truth hurts sometimes!
Or just legalize it and start loading up the railcars instead of the baggage cars. No puffing on duty, of course!
The dogs are doing their job! give’m a biscuit!
Hey man, it’s personal medical marijuna…perfectly legal in Oregon-Washington-California. Why, it’s better for you than that horrible booze you drink. Just ask any pot smoker, they’ll tell you that.
The US HAS gone to hell.
Last Fall, my wife and I were on the Amtrak Cascades from Seattle to Salem. The ass-hole behind us was smoking SKUNK WEED (smells like smoking dirty sox). Amtrak did NOTHING about it. Guy even stood outside on the platform in PDX toking up. No action whatsoever. The smell was so bad, we moved to the Cafe car.
I guess there must not be much crime in Grand Forks, if the sheriff has time for this.
Oh that’s why we have unnecassary borders checks on our train routes
Your supposed to smoke-it before you get on the train … can’t get arrested for red-eyes…