I have often wondered why AMTRAK still puts the First Class cars at the head of the train rather than at the end. In the past, I have heard that when revenue cars were in the consist, there was no means to pass power from the locomotives to the passenger cars so the revenue cars needed to be on the end of the train. Whether there are revenue cars in the consist, I would think that passenger safety and safety of the expensive passenger cars would be paramont. Problems usually happen at the front with the most damage. At the end would be safer and a better ride. Thank you. Bliss
While I can’t directly answer your question, I can say that VIA Rail also runs their corridor intercity trains with the first class cars at the head end of the consist.
I’m not sure if there is a particular logistic reason for this, or if it simply for the convenience of always knowing where the first class cars are. It seems common sense for people approaching a train to expect first class comes first. Again, there could be some more particular reason for this, but I cannot answer that.
In terms of safety and comfort of ride, I have heard mixed reports on where in a train is better. Regardless, the railway is concerned with the safety of all of its passengers, not just the high paying ones. In terms of comfort, I have in mind that the ride towards the end of a consist is generally much rougher than near the front.
I would suggest that safety is fairly high regardles of car position. Since Chicago is a stub end terminal passengers are closer to the station upon arrival and the back end could be switched quicker.
As a kid, I remember the first class cars being on the rear, but that was behind steam, so noise and smoke may have been a consideration.
But then there’s this consideration:
“Son, you should never ride in the last car because if another train hits it from behind, it’s the first one to get hit.”
“But Dad, why do they put a last car on the train.”