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Amtrak proposing $7 billion Washington Union Station redevelopment
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Amtrak proposing $7 billion Washington Union Station redevelopment
7 billion !
Here we go again!
Kind of ironic that 7 Billion (yes, with a “b”) goes into one of the country’s best stations while dozens of others, including NY’s notorious Penn, cry out for both funtional and cosmetic improvements. At least some old stations (Springfield, MA, Seattle, WA for example) are getting long-awaited improvements. But seven billion would go a long way toward rehabilitating dozens if not scores of other deserving locations throughout the land. Let’s spread it around a bit!
Amtrak can not even get enough funding to run day to day operations and to spend $7 Billion in one spot on one project is unconscionable. If the National and world economies were humming along this might not get a second look. Not now.
I agree with the note from Mr. Jim Kerner of New Jersey. Please completely preserve WUS, even better, not ruining the original architecture. There is nothing, anywhere, more impressive than its exterior entrance with its imposing inscriptions overhead. Would be a disgrace to change the least aspect. Do whatever with the yards, but not the edifice.
Are they really serious about this new, separate, “high speed” NEC? This is already the fastest line in the country, what about the rest of us?
Billion, with a ‘B’? Incredible.
I would like to think Amtrak could finance this project in the private sector, but I am a realist, Amtrak is a token for rewarding the winner of this November’s election’s key people. The timing of this project could not have been worse. Previous attempts to re-do this place have all failed at dear cost to the American taxpayer. This is DOA in the House, at best.
As a several times a year NEC traveller I’d rather see them renovate - at much less cost - that travesty in the Big Apple called Penn Station. Services there are awful compared to DC. Timing of this announcement boggles the mind…is Joe Boardmann trying to get Romney elected?
As a several times a year NEC traveller I’d rather see them renovate - at much less cost - that travesty in the Big Apple called Penn Station. Services there are awful compared to DC. Timing of this announcement boggles the mind…is Joe Boardmann trying to get Romney elected?
Wow, that’s a big project, but with the substantial real estate portion, maybe it would come close to paying for itself. Good to look to the future!
The real estate proposal by Amtrak is an enterprising idea towards self-sufficiency. This could be duplicated at other major properties including approaches to Chicago Union Station.
It would be great to simply get the full area of the concourse back from all the retail area.
It would be great to simply get the full area of the concourse back from all the retail area.
7 BILLION!!! That seems more like an effort to squander money without regard to the cost, purpose, or anything else. How many years to recover the value of the funding required? Or is it more likely how many centuries, if ever? Passenger trains are a great idea where sufficient traffic patterns and volumes are present, but some recognition of costs and revenues must be involved.
We do not need another totally covered station like
Philadelphia. The concept getting off a train and seeing the sky within a city is a comforting thought. I’m not thrilled at being caged in.
I saw the picture of the new Union Station on the Washington Post’s web site. I was horrifed! They wanted to eliminate that beautiful exterior! What are they thinking!!! In the mean time, up here in New York City where I come from, we’re waiting for the work to start for the, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Station. He stated that when you came to Penn. Station, you were home and you were going to have a great time! If you listen carefully, you can hear the good senator spinning in his grave!!!
I forgot to add that I’m a big Amtrak supporter! I’m a proud member of NARP and ESPA. I was almost arrested in Grand Central Terminal back in the 1980’s when President Regan tried to kill Amtrak. I was handing out flyers for people to save Amtrak, when an Amtrak usher told me either to stop or he would have me arrested! So, while I support Amtrak, I will say when they’re wrong. And this one is a beaut!!
Just transited through Penn Station in NY…inadequate facilities for disabled or special assistance travellers; awful waiting areas; not enough red caps; one functioning elevator — at the NJ Transit entrance…and they want to spend BILLIONS on a fine facility in Washington? I smell construction lobbyists on the Hill in this one…