Why did Amtrak go thorough so many paint schemes? The ones I enjoyed are the ones I grew up with Phas 3 phase 4 and so on. But why did they change it so often?
Could be a couple of reasons. Cost, the latest version doesn’t have the word “Superliner” in large script over the center of the stripe board. It could be so they look different, sort of like changing the style of autos every couple years. Or to make it possible to see that a car is or isn’t freshly refurbished.
I do agree, the older versions are my favorites, too. Personally, I like the phase 2 and 3. All my Walthers (HO) Superliners are in these schemes. One of the advantages of being a model railroader, model it the way you like it.
I have always enjoyed the phase 3 scheme and the Phase 4 Superliners for some reason.
Marketing would be my guess. Those in advertising are obsessed with keeping things “fresh” and new.
I liked the phase 1 scheme with the large arrow on the side and the red nose on the SDP 40Fs[8D]!
[#ditto] I also liked the SDP40F’s with their red noses and large arrow on the side. I also liked the F40PH’s along with the Superliner cars.