Amtrak Savings Bond GG-1


i want to to paint a Broadway GG-1 as Amtrak 921 with the Savings Bond logo. For making a custom decal, i need a photo of the logo, or if not possible, can anybody tell me what exactly said the logo?


…I went to Google and found what you are asking about but couldn’t get the photo to pull up…You might try it a bit later…

Looks to me like the bulk of it is white. I would put dry transfer letters on the body and cut out a circle from masking tape and spray it on. then pull the letters off. A decal will probabloy show the background color.

Thanks for the tips, but what i asked for are the words that were written around the logo. I´m not sure as they said just “United States Savings Bond” or as there was anything more…

Here’s what I found, the second picture is the best. Hope this helps.